Mistakes - Dhinush

This quote was added by dhinujaya
When you make a mistake the first thing that you need to do is to accept the mistake. It is human to make mistakes. Give it a try. You will find it rewarding.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 176.44 95.8%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 148.81 100%
dcb87 129.12 98.1%
hamchow 127.20 99.4%
jgdude 118.30 94.6%
tqnguyen91 117.69 99.4%
agndesigns 115.91 99.4%
user381085 113.01 94.8%
tjapit 110.66 98.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
hamchow 127.20 99.4%
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user468593 89.13 99.4%
aw107789 38.93 98.8%
dragonflyiz 102.86 100%
moonyyyblack 71.84 96.3%
jellyvanessa 86.62 89.8%