
This quote was added by ananya.c
Young people have time and energy, but no money. Middle-aged people have energy and money, but no time. Old people have time and money, but no energy.

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user809700 6 years, 9 months ago
simple and interesting quote 5/5
user38310 11 years, 5 months ago
Old people have no energy.

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wolfram 154.24 100%
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lytewerk 132.92 98.7%
staylor1014 131.74 100%
munchkinbug 128.27 100%
sat1014 126.10 100%
vmlm 125.84 98.7%
ilovejujubee 124.87 97.4%
s0uls 122.75 99.3%

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brianwang76 112.55 100%
user514706 61.56 89.8%
shaikkamarul 75.50 94.9%
petrolfume 80.77 89.8%