Focus on "G" - Unknown01

This quote was added by unknown01
Go get great gorillas from the local grocery before the great gorillas grunt, "Green grass grow, great gorillas go!" and gesture toward great President Green. Gangrene growing in your gut will make garlic smelling gas.

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rupabanerji 11 years, 6 months ago
sorry what?

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
st4ycl4ssy 94.43 97.7%
dicksontsai 87.27 97.8%
abrahamjoke 86.70 97.2%
digitalis 85.98 97.8%
anne_cole_ 85.25 98.6%
brentmichaelcox 83.86 98.2%
rivengod760xx 83.61 97.3%
jan_londen 80.96 97.8%
buttybear 79.19 100%

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maberson 46.16 96.0%
redviolet 69.57 93.2%
user63773 33.86 84.6%