Opportunity - Unknown

This quote was added by tayla_kay
Opportunity is knocking at the door, and half of the people who get it don't know what to do with it, the quarter try to use it but end up making more mistakes and the very small fraction use it to make changes to the world, help people and create a brighter future.

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teilo 10 years, 8 months ago
Run on sentences.

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user871724 185.20 95%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
lytewerk 143.95 100%
user37933 139.53 99.2%
xmaddockmark 137.15 96.4%
munchkinbug 136.50 99.3%
tomchu77 134.55 99.3%
esmith18 132.74 100%
missy2000 127.84 100%
jan_londen 127.22 100%

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gwaldrop 98.37 92.0%
thecrazydane2 86.21 92.4%
user871724 185.20 95%
user513723 93.39 95.7%