Running - Anoymous

This quote was added by aussidavid
I love to run. I run 10 - 20 kilometers at a time. After each run my legs suffer a painful withdraw. Why do I do this to myself? When will this tyranny end... In the meantime, I better prepare for my next run.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
kaith 99.67 92.9%
arravalle 92.19 94.6%
serin01 91.99 97.2%
donoshea 70.06 92.5%
louie_bug13 56.32 94.2%
user843630 49.34 87.4%
user762740 48.44 100%
mohd_talib 47.40 90.9%
user702788 45.61 87.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user109027 28.82 90.9%
louie_bug13 56.32 94.2%
serin01 91.99 97.2%
kaith 99.67 92.9%
mohd_talib 47.40 90.9%
user95702 36.73 95.9%
arravalle 92.19 94.6%
donoshea 70.06 92.5%