INTRODUCTION - nishant desai

This quote was added by nishant1306
Superconducting materials are the materials who had almost zero resistivity. Superconducting materials are used in making of large electromagnets.....

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
jiggalee 160.43 100%
jacqueline1234 105.45 100%
strikeemblem 103.95 98.0%
kyle_w 97.39 93.2%
arravalle 96.79 95.5%
adrianpb 96.04 93.1%
user108719 87.67 96.1%
user89300 85.92 89.8%
rkoh 84.31 96.8%

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strikeemblem 90.79 90.9%
jiggalee 160.43 100%
kyle_w 97.39 93.2%