NEWS - The Hindu

This quote was added by kesar_singh
Manmohan Singh's visit to Japan holds out the hope that the two countries have turned the corner of a somewhat underperforming relationship. Manmohan Singh is Indian.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
jan_londen 108.24 100%
user57026 105.14 98.8%
ilovejujubee 103.66 94.9%
kicko 94.08 97.1%
saustintaylor 93.79 93.8%
bb__ 88.62 94.3%
elodia 87.01 94.9%
prodigy5723 86.21 97.6%
trishadgk 85.49 91.7%

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jacqueline1234 81.00 88.8%
tschrepel 72.53 96.0%
user100547 57.75 98.2%
vishal 79.37 92.7%
user843630 76.60 94.9%
kicko 94.08 97.1%
huntergordon 71.41 98.2%
user97523 65.03 90.2%