Hello - Needicla

This quote was added by needicla
The problem is that the problem of the problems doesn't occur when the problem does not occur, however, the problem does occur when the problem doesn't occur in an occurrence that occupies the occupant, apparently.

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teil0 9 years, 7 months ago
Please just stop.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
coryeleg 127.34 100%
rhinofeed 110.13 98.6%
death_sdtar_gone 104.79 98.6%
jan_londen 104.54 96.0%
kdnd 100.80 97.7%
afbwelter 95.29 98.1%
arryn_khaldun 95.21 99.5%
user40438 93.87 98.1%
gedeon 93.14 98.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user50754 53.06 97.3%
jan_londen 104.54 96.0%
elephan 53.24 98.2%
gmh26 69.73 96.8%
user56123 33.67 93.0%
namtracire 68.03 91.5%
ronnie-brown 40.72 96.8%