UnangLetra - Irivin

This quote was added by alivealert
The Passion for something... The expression of sadness... The intensity of Fear... Your overwhelming Happiness... Love for someone... How can one express himself in writing?

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
kitelinkson 116.75 100%
npabs 108.66 99.4%
user66753 104.07 97.7%
ilovejujubee 103.35 97.2%
indykitty 102.74 100%
strikeemblem 101.45 97.8%
kjcmonster 99.25 94.5%
user381085 98.65 94.1%
wyvernwhite 97.33 98.9%

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kaylaleighhay 75.60 94.5%
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user468593 70.87 95.6%
jena83 56.48 86.1%
user381085 98.65 94.1%
strikeemblem 101.45 97.8%
user108410 27.02 87.6%