Typing Secrets-2 - Ambaji Rao

This quote was added by ambaji786
The people who wants to type fast should know this secrets. The number one is to learn the basics of typing by attending the classes at typing institutions. The number two is to set your mood and sitting position. And the last and but not the least is to choose the right keyboard. For typing fast, mechanical keyboards are best one, it will enhance the speeds beyond 100 WPM.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
stubbydoughnut 84.86 98.2%
typinglindsey 77.57 95.9%
sweenburg007 76.57 93.8%
vladymir_12r4 74.12 99.5%
the_hornburg 71.65 95.7%
user519977 64.79 91.5%
kenete0820 53.60 97.7%
user387948 49.53 91.1%
user107918 45.65 96.2%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user519977 64.79 91.5%
typinglindsey 77.57 95.9%
vladymir_12r4 74.12 99.5%
stubbydoughnut 84.86 98.2%
shinji9 39.80 91.3%
user107918 45.65 96.2%
sweenburg007 76.57 93.8%
the_hornburg 71.65 95.7%