Decades - prodigy5723

This quote was added by prodigy5723
I'm not from the 60's, but I love The Beatles. I'm not from the 70's, but I love the original Star Wars trilogy. I'm not from the 80's, but I like listening to Madonna and Michael Jackson, and I love playing Pac-Man. I hardly grew up in the 90's, but I love Jurassic Park, and old cartoons like Animaniacs and Rugrats. I've grown up today in the 2000's and 2010's, and I couldn't be happier.

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mutti325 10 years, 1 month ago
Wow! You're a young one. ;) Great challenge for users!

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
multimatum 84.85 98.2%
death_star_gone 80.69 98.5%
raia 77.75 98.0%
bypassfilter 75.58 98.7%
jan_londen 73.71 97.8%
mechapenguin 70.61 94.7%
prodigy5723 70.51 97.7%
zbm2 69.72 94.7%
sarahjg24 63.97 94.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
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user58965 45.60 93.3%
faith.k 44.80 93.3%
lizzie123 35.98 89.3%
user59331 29.36 91.2%
user53406 19.03 89.7%
user57455 15.78 92.2%