The Meaning of Life - The Water - TheRareGaming

This quote was added by user45052
Water is a part of the meaning of life. You can swim on it. The very hot type that is something like a enemy is lava. It's found very much times like the water.

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teilo 10 years, 6 months ago
Oh, that is just so deep. For a Minecraft junkie.
user47720 10 years, 9 months ago

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 160.01 100%
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bmcgoo 139.40 100%
2001or2 138.82 94.7%
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user40438 119.76 97.6%

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linda104825 62.66 94.1%
kobo 75.65 90.9%
user828295 64.80 95.8%