What About Love? - Lemar

This quote was added by dagner20
How can I give this love a new beginning? How can I stop the rain? It's never ending. How do I keep my soul believing? Memories of how we should keep calling.

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jjp 7 years, 4 months ago

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
monkeyguard 146.24 100%
bihnkim 137.80 100%
laserray33 130.87 98.1%
munchkinbug 125.85 100%
chrisjunlee 120.61 98.8%
coryeleg 119.56 99.4%
thatdude 119.14 100%
ilovejujubee 116.13 95.8%
napalmcandy 114.50 98.1%

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yujohn1998 31.53 83.2%
lakiozoon 78.89 98.1%
angelkate 51.17 95.8%