The Red Thumb Mark - Austin Freeman

This quote was added by hopscat
My veneration for that lady's moral qualities was excessive, but her conversation drove me to the verge of insanity -- an insanity not entirely free from homicidal tendencies.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 136.54 99.4%
lytewerk 133.59 99.4%
missarkansas 126.26 96.7%
starl1ng 125.89 100%
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darkmatter_3624 123.03 96.2%
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brainfreezy 120.26 97.8%
user57026 117.79 100%

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rkoh 87.55 95.1%
hulginulgin15 42.41 88.4%
claire.zelie 73.79 95.1%