Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

This quote was added by goncalvesavbhs
If we must, we thrust with survival and expect what the unexpected could happen. Even, if we must ally with newcomers or opponents, we must for hunger games survival.

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heidi.hi 10 years, 11 months ago
Yeah! and learn to spell too!
teilo 10 years, 11 months ago
This is not bu Suzanne Collins. It is entirely made up. Please do not do that. Post real quotes.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
synnekorino 120.28 96.0%
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jordanresh 105.22 98.2%
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colincastle1234 102.82 92.2%
user43369 102.73 98.2%
nomi589 102.46 96.0%
user9212 102.30 98.8%

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ekg.anthony 64.28 97.1%
colincastle1234 102.82 92.2%
user108291 16.21 89.7%