The Best - Brahma Kumaris

This quote was added by ambaji786
The best ornament is Humility. The richest wealth is Wisdom. The strongest weapon is Patience. The best security is Faith. The best tonic is Laughter.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
trishadgk 87.47 87.2%
rrapattoni 86.53 98.0%
malevolarky 82.79 97.3%
multimatum 81.62 99.3%
astrid17 81.37 95.5%
roginn 81.18 98%
hhhhhh 78.03 98.7%
gdelossantos 74.36 98.7%
kaikaikaikai 73.45 97.4%

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lexervoid 50.22 88.2%
rrapattoni 86.53 98.0%
ultimatedecider 67.34 92.8%