America - Bono.

This quote was added by soattainable
When I was a kid in Dublin, I watched in awe as America put a man on the moon. We thought, you know, this is "mad." Nothing is impossible in America. In America, they can do anything over there.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
jacqueline1234 112.36 98.5%
roginn 105.35 100%
afminto 98.24 98.0%
user108043 97.98 93.7%
prodigy5723 94.70 99.5%
shawnsmith91 93.75 95.6%
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muxedotask 86.66 98.5%
multimatum 86.61 97.9%

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clickclackm00 65.04 89.0%
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