The dream of wonder - Tat K P

This quote was added by taaatum
Don't you ever wonder what your future will be like? I'm sure everyone does. How you will look or what you will become. Will you be doleful or joyful? Everything is just a mystery to your mind and that is what makes you anxious; I have my dreams and people have theirs. I wish we all were different with a special power that makes us unordinarily strange and we can become famous off of it. Don't give up on your dreams; chase them till you receive what you're looking for.

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weesin 5 years, 12 months ago

Not all dreams are meant to come endlessly chasing them is a waste of time. I'm a 38 year old woman...what if my dream was to be an olympic gymnast? Do you really think that any amount of time training in a gym with a coach would help this old ass of mine do flips and spins well enough to make an olympic team? HELL NO! Life is not about chasing ridiculous's about finding out what you're naturally good at and applying yourself to it.
welldefined 10 years, 10 months ago
Not interesting to me.

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