Candide - Voltaire

This quote was added by malevolarky
Instantly they were stripped as bare as monkeys; my mother, our maids of honor, and myself were all served in the same manner. It is amazing with what expedition those gentry undress people.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
yagoliz 112.01 98.4%
jaesynn 111.25 98.4%
user52558 110.39 100%
user381085 97.89 89.0%
vmlm 97.10 92.7%
shawnsmith91 94.29 94.5%
silverlegend 91.85 100%
matthewpiring03 90.19 96.9%
elpatrongarcia 88.00 99.5%

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user381085 97.89 89.0%
matthewpiring03 90.19 96.9%
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elpatrongarcia 88.00 99.5%
yagoliz 112.01 98.4%
yagoliz 104.04 98.4%
relsc 67.60 93.6%
rajansaini95 72.99 90.9%