Candide - Voltaire

This quote was added by malevolarky
It is an admirable government. The kingdom is upwards of three hundred leagues in diameter, and divided into thirty provinces; there the Fathers possess all, and the people nothing; it is a masterpiece of reason and justice.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
rivendellis 118.02 97.8%
marchtoglory 108.36 91.1%
roginn 106.73 99.1%
prodigy5723 105.82 99.6%
geryjs 105.26 97.8%
adrianpb 102.93 94.5%
teil0 99.88 94.5%
nathanbyers 96.71 97.4%
tursic 96.68 98.7%

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adrianpb 102.93 94.5%
user307265 55.96 89.6%
geryjs 105.26 97.8%