Selfishness by Democracy - Deh Gel

This quote was added by dehgel
Selfishness from earth to hereafter. Thy pray and struggle, same by thee. Life committed SELFISHNESS in living with the Democracy. The host-eye has a run-time error while the real host does not have.

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kaikaikaikaikai 10 years, 6 months ago
dafuq did I just type?
teilo 10 years, 7 months ago
Please take this nonsense elsewhere.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
gwaldrop 103.16 95.2%
prodigy5723 97.93 99.5%
versates 97.23 100%
contramancer 96.97 99.5%
user85042 92.76 94.3%
vmlm 89.26 93.9%
noel 85.56 99.5%
peepeepoopoo6969 85.33 97.5%
kaikaikaikaikai 82.51 98.0%

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gwaldrop 103.16 95.2%
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dahserta 62.39 90.5%
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peepeepoopoo6969 85.33 97.5%