Natural mirror - Deh Gel

This quote was added by dehgel
Water is a natural mirror. Looking down on a water shows how natural is environment. Glass-made mirror sometime lies. Just like looking ourselves to different mirrors.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
mafuso 113.33 98.8%
geryjs 105.23 96.6%
jezpher 104.71 96.0%
prodigy5723 104.07 99.4%
tjapit 103.69 97.1%
sydneyywilliams 101.09 95.4%
kyle_w 101.07 98.8%
fly_navy 98.53 95.4%
guinessbook1 93.29 97.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
jezpher 104.71 96.0%
soymilk00 73.17 96.0%
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kyle_w 101.07 98.8%
guinessbook1 87.33 95.4%
guinessbook1 93.29 97.1%
fly_navy 98.53 95.4%
user349339 46.02 92.8%