Temple of the Winds - Berdine - Terry Goodkind

This quote was added by rosita1254
We present Lord Rahl, the Seeker of Truth and wielder of the Sword of Truth, the bringer of death, the Master of D'Hara, the ruler of the Midlands, the commander of the gar nation, the champion of free people and bane of the wicked, and the betrothed of the Mother Confessor.

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typin_ 156.61 96.5%
ilovejujubee 121.61 98.9%
munoko 109.43 95.5%
hodor_1234 104.37 96.5%
strikeemblem 104.22 95.5%
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user468593 65.55 93.9%
user468593 69.23 93.9%
strikeemblem 104.22 95.5%