Noshi aggarwal

This quote was added by noshiaggarwal
Relationship is a gift given by God for our life with nodes of truest, wrapper of feelings and love inside it. So never cut the node and enjoy it and work hard for it.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 155.25 100%
feuv 129.51 96.5%
cornvelious 121.92 98.8%
arravalle 119.88 100%
ockock 108.06 97.7%
clonedcow 107.46 97.7%
exodus 106.58 98.2%
npabs 100.77 93.8%
user470790 96.45 100%
agtrice 92.04 96.0%

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freedomdazzles 82.45 98.2%
npabs 100.77 93.8%
user871724 155.25 100%
user390874 61.15 96%