Don't Cry - Aiden Capulong

This quote was added by user54390
Why mourn for the dead? For they art thou in Heaven. -Aiden Capulong.

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teil0 9 years, 11 months ago
This quote should never have been allowed. Not only is is padded, but even as padded it is not even 150 characters.

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Name WPM Accuracy
sarahjg24 72.72 98.6%
user14968 64.46 95.8%
maebug 64.20 97.2%
alontz05 62.00 98.6%
ugluk 60.08 86.3%
skilleyes 59.69 90.8%
chichipio 58.81 98.6%
jlsclub 53.92 98.6%
yurisedyakin 52.86 97.2%
user54540 47.96 95.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
maebug 64.20 97.2%
user415004 15.14 98.6%
sarahjg24 72.72 98.6%
user55247mike 31.23 86.3%
user14968 64.46 95.8%
kmbbogart 41.05 95.7%
ugluk 60.08 86.3%
skilleyes 59.69 90.8%