Charlie X - Star Trek

This quote was added by user415004
Spock: Check. Kirk: Checkmate. Spock: Your illogical approach to chess does have its advantages on occasion, Captain. Kirk: I'd prefer to call it inspired. Spock: As you wish.

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afminto 84.44 97.2%
jan_londen 83.48 98.3%
jezpher 79.69 94.6%
trishadgk 77.61 88.4%
bb__ 70.21 92.6%
ctcharlton 69.84 98.9%
user72470 64.08 93.6%
maksapn 63.42 95.1%
manimoney 62.13 89.3%
sarahjg24 61.03 98.9%

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trishadgk 77.61 88.4%
kmccalla 21.50 89.8%
jezpher 79.69 94.6%
djgautam 28.25 92.1%