Constructive critisism

By maiyac - updated: 8 years ago - 3 messages

I'm wondering whats is everyone's style of typing ? what wpm are you at ? and how did you get there? Personal tips? i recently started a profile ,I am progressing but i'm trying to super seed my skills ! Thank you !
Oh I forgot to recommend you install Klavaro Typing Tutor (https://sourceforge… ) and do each and every one of the exercises. This will help you to learn all the keys on the keyboard. (also go to https://www.keyhero… and click on "Typing Lessons." Those can be helpful too.)
And no, you'll need sleep, lol. Sleeping enough hours (6-8) can help you learn faster.
By justin0 - posted: 8 years ago

Ok maiyac, you said that you are "trying to land a job by thursday /09 and you have to be at 35 wpm". Here's my piece of advice:
1. Can you touch type? You should learn how to touch type (typing without looking at the keys). One way to learn to touch type is simple, just practice typing without looking at the keyboard. Touch typing is necessary to reach higher speeds.
2. One advice I will give you is to strengthen your hand's muscles by moving your fingers, closing and opening your fists, rotating your hands,.... (like these ones:… ) Do these exercises, as fast as you can for 30 seconds many times a day, when walking, when watching tv, while eating, while showering, while at work, or while at school. This exercises might help you save the time needed to get the fast fiber muscles the fastest typists have acquired over the years.
3. Whenever your hands feel tired from typing or exercising, rest your hands. This is your body telling you to stop so it can regenerate the tissues, making them stronger.
4. Every time you finish a typing test here on key hero, write down the words you made mistakes with. Then you can practice typing those words on your favorite text editor (word, notepad, whatever...) until you have improved typing them.
5. Practise, practice, practise! Type, type, type. Just remember point (3)
6. One common thing that many fast typist do are this: they write long scientific articles or homework (like Jelani Nelson), or they have played mmorpg games where they chat a lot with other players (like Reckful) for many hours a day.
7. Go to youtube and watch videos of the fastest typists where you can see their hands while they type:… Try to copy their style of typing, which is what you wanted to know, right?. In my opinion the fastest typists tend to avoid unnecessary movements, they movements have evolved into being economic, and efficient.
8. Use this technique, that consists of two exercises: A) Get a text you want to type, open your favorite text editor and type it as fast as possible without looking at what you are typing. This will give you speed. B) Type the same text again, but this time looking at what you type, as you are typing it, and correct every mistake you make. This will help you gain accuracy.
9. Practice typing, and stop and rest when you get tired of typing, because your technique will get sloppy and you will become proficient at typing badly if you keep typing when you are too tired. (this is based on something Bruce Lee said)
10. Read posts in this forum, they have some good advice, like getting a mechanical keyboard,... Also read this: https://www.keyhero…
11. keyhero seems to me to be faster in Chrome/chromium and slower in firefox. I suspect the training is more effective if you use keyhero in Chrome/Chromium. So, use keyhero in Chrome.

That's it, there are not many other shorcuts to it, but practicing, good luck!
Updated 8 years ago
By maiyac - posted: 8 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you !! i will follow your advice to the T ! and I am learning touch typing now; i never had typing courses at my schools. I have been doing the "hunt and peck" i know it is not the correct way of typing and I'm currently trying to stop bad habits. The hard thing I find about touch typing is when I feel the need to look down so much. I will keep practicing No sleep until i reach my goal !
By justin0 - posted: 8 years ago

Oh I forgot to recommend you install Klavaro Typing Tutor (https://sourceforge… ) and do each and every one of the exercises. This will help you to learn all the keys on the keyboard. (also go to https://www.keyhero… and click on "Typing Lessons." Those can be helpful too.)
And no, you'll need sleep, lol. Sleeping enough hours (6-8) can help you learn faster.