Desperately need dog/WPM advice.

By infantry_captai - updated: 5 years, 11 months ago - 31 messages

I have a female Canadian terrier. Honestly, I think I should return her to the unfortunately high-kill shelter so that I can pick up a fresh dog from a puppy mill. Any suggestions on local "backyard" breeders? Also, any tips on increasing my WPM?

Reasons for Return:
She's from the pound, she was beaten pretty badly by her previous owner, so whenever I try to pet her she bites me! Also, she's a female, but the pound swore up and down it was a male! Lastly, this is all a big distraction from my WPM gains, big problem.

Any thoughts from fellow dog lovers out there? Canadians need not respond.
I see what you did there
By namehere - posted: 6 years ago

I see what you did there
By infantry_captai - posted: 6 years ago

Oh, and what was that?
By weesin - posted: 6 years ago

Absolutely pathetic infantry-captai.....get a bloody life for crying out loud!
By namehere - posted: 6 years ago

You triggered weesin
By infantry_captai - posted: 6 years ago

Honestly, I think he's mad because I banned Canadians from posting. Twas just joke, no need to be mad.
By garciag42069101 - posted: 6 years ago

You can increase your WPM by practcing that's all you really need to do. I love dogs that how my dog was at first but we kept her and now she trust us. Just give her a little longer and see how she does. Does it really matter what gender the dog is? It's okay to distract for a minute you can always catch up. You just need to show the dog that she can trust you.
By namehere - posted: 6 years ago

Lol I'm Canadian and I posted (:
Wait... Isn't weesin a female?
Updated 6 years ago
By garciag42069101 - posted: 6 years ago

lol what part Canadian are you. If you dont mind me asking
By namehere - posted: 6 years ago

Think I'll have to do a blood test to find out...
By garciag42069101 - posted: 6 years ago

Lol, what do you do for a living
By infantry_captai - posted: 6 years ago

You're Canadian.... *twitches and shivers* Ahhhgghghhhh *Foam comes from mouth and onto keyboard as I type this at 140 WPM* You foul cretin of the north, you have been banned from this holy land! Begone demon! BEGONE
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By weesin - posted: 6 years ago

Yes, weesin is a female and lives in the prairies
By infantry_captai - posted: 6 years ago

Inf-cap mad, inf-cap smash puny leaf. wessin, weak boy
By namehere - posted: 6 years ago

What are you saying, infantry_captai?
By namehere - posted: 6 years ago

What are ya, like, twelve or something?
By weesin - posted: 6 years ago

I'm with you "namehere says"....

I never really have any idea what "infanty-captai" is trying to say. I think he/she is trying to be clever (and possibly take jabs at me here and there?), but it's hard to tell because he/she loves to type crazy made-up words and rattle on and I never really have any idea what his/her intended meaning is....
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

Wow, I'm so confused. I thought we were friends. But I think you've interpreted my texts in the wrong way. Maybe you need to expand your horizons and not to assume everyone is out to get you. Life is tough, it doesn't matter how hard you can punch. It matters how many times you can get hit, and keep, on, going. ADRIAN!!! A D R I A N !!!! !!! !! ! ! ! ! ! A D R I A N !!!
Updated 5 years, 12 months ago
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

To your quandary, I respond thusly! What doest thou man whom finds himself accosted in matters of honor by a rival northernly nation? A fool of a man would doest not. The brave man accost the in turn! However, tis the wise man who waits for his foe to make the first move and capitalize on the opportunity. To me, I am this! May my speech be clear to all! And here me clear, the man who offends me shall be offended in turn. Prepare, preparations to the man whom challenges me! For the end is nigh, the fate is inevitable, my victory is assured. While you practiced typing, I studied the blade. お前はもう死んでいる ! *Teleports behind you* "Nothing personnel kid".
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

Once again, your message is made less clear due to the atrocious spelling and incorrect use of punctuation. Please, if you're going post, at least make sense infantry_captai

I don't know who you're performing for here.....but I don't find you amusing. I find you abrasive and unintelligent
By namehere - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

That was not what I thought you were saying, but okay...? I must've gotten the wrong idea by the terms "foul cretin of the north" and "begone demon", huh?
It is a sad thing when people can't just be humorous instead of purposefully offensive.
I get sarcasm and I get trolling, but whatever you're doing is zero-sum and churlish.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

agreed "namehere". I have found everything posted by "infantry-captai" to be equally offensive and confusing. I'm not sure what he/she gets out of wasting everyone's time with his prattle, but I'm suggesting that he/she find something else to do with his/her time other than irritating and offending everyone on this site
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

U wot, m8. I'm finna tell ya, be careful sun. Check yourself before I reveal my WPM.
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

Honestly, consider this an intervention. You've been sour in nearly every post you've made here. Is everything going well for you? Perhaps, you need to let of steam on innocent souls on this forum because you can't vent elsewhere. Well, I'll tell you brother, I'll be your shoulder to cry on. Let, it, all, out. You're welcome here, even though you're Canadian.
By namehere - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

There are so many things wrong with what you've typed, but I'll let you figure that out yourself.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

"name here"....I assume your message was for "infanty_captai" not me right?

as for you "infantry_captai"....although you seem get an inordinate amount of pleasure by irritating and offending people, I ask kindly that you please respond from posting anything to me or about me again. I have no use for people like you and wish to have no further contact with you.

as for everyone else reading this....if "infantry_captai" is goading you or offending you, just let him/her know that you don't appreciate his/her attitude and ask that he/she not contact you in any way again. Hopefully he/she can at least respect the wishes of others....
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

*Chink*...., *Chink*...., *Chink*...., *Exhausted exhale*. Working in the salt mines is hard work.
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

^^^^^^^^That's ironic.
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

THis is a bump message, plz read the above ya'll.
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

another bump message BOI BOI BOI BOI BOI BOI BUMP
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Bumpski, boi boi oi oibo iboi boi b