Fast 4 finger typists

By user295920 - updated: 6 years, 4 months ago - 9 messages

Hey guys, wondering what sort of speeds can be achieved on two fingers per hand. Anyone's got some sweets WPM's to show? I wonder if the speed ceiling is higher on 10f typing. I would assume so.
That's really fast man, I've switched to all finger typing and took like 3 months to get back to the old typing speed (50 WPM) and now I'm slowly increasing my speed over that (57 wpm average)
By cyber - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago

I have a friend who does around 50wpm with his index and middle finger. I use all fingers and average about 70wpm. I learnt how to use all my fingers about 1 week ago so its decent
By adrianman - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago

That's really fast man, I've switched to all finger typing and took like 3 months to get back to the old typing speed (50 WPM) and now I'm slowly increasing my speed over that (57 wpm average)
By masummiah217 - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago

Hey guys, wondering what sot of speeds can be acchieved on two fingers per hand. Anyone's got some sweets WPM's to show? I wonder if the speed ceiling is hgigher on 10f typing . I would assume so.
By cyber - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I was on a break and I banged out so much practice, typing essays for homework, playing games and typing in chat etc
By translucent - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago

I never typed with 2 fingers per hand, but I did type with 1 finger per hand, averaging ~50WPM. I once got 104 wpm typing "A Tale of Two Cities" with 1 finger per hand.
By user295920 - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago

Oh I couldn't do this ever. I've always typed with 2x2f, exception being the left thumb I use for the space-bar sometimes. I'm trying to get to a consistent 100WPM, but it will take a little while :D
By ze_or - posted: 6 years, 6 months ago… this was a trending video a bit ago, although he is quite inaccurate. And I am certain that typing with 10 fingers will always have a higher speed ceiling.
Updated 6 years, 6 months ago
By asianontheinside - posted: 6 years, 4 months ago

I type with 3 fingers on my right hand and 2 on the left on average sometimes more depending on the text but hardly ever exception being shift ' " ? / and enter I don't use my thumbs for pressing the spacebar and I type about 117 on here 120-130 on most other sites.
By pablosorbach - posted: 6 years, 4 months ago

There's a video on youtube of a scientific study that proves that amount of fingers does not equal speed. You can type amazingly fast with only 2 fingers. The key to speed is consistancy. The study showed that the fastest typists were the ones who typed the same key with the same finger every time.
What I would say is that typing with all your fingers will help you type more comfortably.
I will always recomend to learn to touch type, that will increase your productivity a lot, whether it is using your own technique or home-row; if you feel lazy and don't want to spend a lot of time developing a technique of your own I highly recommend the latter. (I may have made some mistakes while writing this, I'm not a native speaker, but I hope I got the idea across)