Freedom March Karachi Sindh

By mehri - updated: 5 years, 11 months ago - 1 message

As well Sindhi Nations. According to the established charter of United Nations, we declare that :
We Sindhi are historically distinct Nation.
Sindh has historically been a sovereign country.
Freedom is our basic, inalienable human right
Our freedom is possible and is destined (Unavoidable)
This declaration of independence has already been stated by Sain G M Syed. We reiterate it her e today to all those powerful countries and nations currently burdened by terrorism: If Sindhudesh does not become a free and sovereign country, Punjab will Continue with its terrorist plots and will succeed in disseminating terrorism throughout the world.
People who migrated to Sindh after the partition in 1947, We invite you as brother and sisters of Sindhis, and remind you that nature has brought you into the lap of mother Sindh, the land of love and Sufi temperament. We invite you to join native Sindhis and embrace the interests of Sindh and disown Pakistan with its religious extremism. We invite you to leave behind any complex of superiority and join us in the struggle for the freedom of Sindh and its people as one united force. Come join us in our national struggle and pay tribute to the land which provided you with shelter and adopted you as its own.
Remember, this great and grand gathering today serves as a historical referendum for the freedom of Sindh. Sindhis are gathered here today in Karachi collectively to clearly express the frustration with their subjugation and to make this call :
Pakistan – Not needed, Pakistan – Not needed.
We appeal to USA, UK, EU and all other international institution, human rights organizations and to all conscience people to acknowledge this historical referendum of the Sindh People and stop their support for Pakistan, their military aid to Pakistan, and to begin playing a sincere and engaged role in the freedom of oppressed and subjugated nations of Sindh and Balochistan.
Representing the Sindhi nation, we present our views and recommendations to the international community in the interest of global peace, stability and peosperity, as follows :
As the nation on the basis of religion are illogical and forceful, in accordance with the concept of Nation recognized by the UN, Sindhi and Baloch should be recognized as separate nations and should be allowed to obtain their independence through the dissolution of Pakistan.
The UN should be re-organized and its powerless institutions should be made effective.
Global conflicts and wars should resolved collectively on the basis of mutual considerations.
Non-violence and mutual respect must substitute brutal force as a means to reconcile differences.
Amidst rapidly changing geographical and economic climates at a global, regional and national scale-the pre-1843 independent status of Sindh should be re-established to recognize the continued historical existence of Sindh and Sindhi nation.
The call for sovereignty of Sindh emancipation of women as will as other marginalized religious minorities and seeks to unite all section of Sindh society.
Bashir Ahmed Qureshi
Chairman Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz
Karachi, November 7th, 2009
By mehri - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Good Message. Keep typing this message to others. Very Very Good.