Guess my original account.

By smokemifugottem - updated: 3 years ago - 3 messages

I used to have a different account that I deleted for virtually no reason. Then I made this one. For a brief period of time within the last year and a half I was relatively active. I doubt anyone will bother lol (I wouldn't) but if anyone can guess who I am I would be pretty impressed.
Haha nope, not me lol. I was relatively active here on the forums, and probably posted on a few people's profiles, but that wasn't really my thing.

Mainly was just active on the forum and posted quotes lol.
By zhang - posted: 3 years ago

I bet you're that one user (I forgot the username) who comments on everyone's profiles— you have that one non-default icon? There was a person with glasses featured on your avatar.
By zhang - posted: 3 years ago

I think I found your username(?) - are you user85577?
By smokemifugottem - posted: 3 years ago

Haha nope, not me lol. I was relatively active here on the forums, and probably posted on a few people's profiles, but that wasn't really my thing.

Mainly was just active on the forum and posted quotes lol.