How do you report hackers?

By throwawei - updated: 5 years, 7 months ago - 4 messages


Joined 2 days ago and played over 17k games.
Do you really know he's hacking??? He seems pretty legit to me... maybe he is just really dedicated and really consistent... don't assume.
By maxlucetyping - posted: 5 years, 7 months ago

Do you really know he's hacking??? He seems pretty legit to me... maybe he is just really dedicated and really consistent... don't assume.
By rstlcfw - posted: 5 years, 7 months ago

Yeah it totally seems legit! I mean to do 17k games in 2 days he would only need to complete one game every 10 seconds for 48 hours straight! I mean I do that when I'm not even practicing seriously. Who needs eating and drinking? Restrooms? Not me or tulpan, those things are for people who average sub 50 wpm.
By throwawei - posted: 5 years, 7 months ago

I hope you're trolling me, but in case you're's literally impossible to play 17,000 games over the course of 2 days. If that is not enough of a tell, look at his typing speed, it's the EXACT SAME every time.
By daball - posted: 5 years, 7 months ago

I don't know, even his new account seems pretty legit to me, it's hard to tell to be honest. https://www.keyhero…