How fast can you get with 2 fingers?

By user425222 - updated: 3 years, 1 month ago - 3 messages

Right now all I use my ring and middle finger for ~90 of the keys and average 110 - 120 WPM but it is getting harder to get faster. I was wondering if I just need to work on accuracy more or if I need to type with more fingers.
me:I currently type 130+ wpm average
I can only type 40 wpm using 23 fingers
By maxwellsdad - posted: 3 years, 3 months ago

Look up Penguin Typer on Youtube, he types at >150 with 2 fingers

(for some reason it's not letting me post a message with a link in it)
By user425222 - posted: 3 years, 2 months ago

Thank you, it looks like I just need to practice more then.
By rainbowdude - posted: 3 years, 1 month ago

me:I currently type 130+ wpm average
I can only type 40 wpm using 23 fingers