How to accept criticism with grace

By mumma - updated: 3 years, 11 months ago - 29 messages

All too often, users of this site submit quotes that are rife with errors and then personally attack a fellow user that simply points out their errors. A normal, emotionally mature person can handle criticism and would simply respond by saying "thanks for noticing that - now I can go ahead and make the appropriate edits'. However, users of this site instead like to personally attack people who point out their errors. If your ego is so fragile and your constitution so delicate that you cannot gracefully accept someone pointing out that you have misspelled a word or used punctuation incorrectly, perhaps you should not be on a public site that has a mechanism for leaving comments. When someone points out my errors, I thank them because it affords me an opportunity to learn and to improve; I just say "shit, sorry. I'll fix that right now. Thanks"

If someone attacks you personally, go ahead and attack them right back if you wish. But if a person just mentions that you have made an error, there is no need to become nasty and attack them personally.
By zizuke - posted: 4 years ago

"All too often, users of this site submit quotes that are rife with errors and then personally attack a fellow user that simply points out their errors."

"If your ego is so fragile and your constitution so delicate that you cannot gracefully accept someone pointing out that you have misspelled a word or used punctuation incorrectly, perhaps you should not be on a public site that has a mechanism for leaving comments."

lmao, call me a child for having a different perspective/opinion again. Maybe complain about religion and then tell a christian to keep church out of this site. You're a huge hypocrite mate. Sort yourself out.
By user546595 - posted: 4 years ago

From mattman225 "You don't need to resort to calling people dumb children because you disagree". That is literally the point you missed in this post. This is the EXACT reason why you maybe shouldn't be on this site! Also, you're kind of being a hypocrite considering in the most recent post you called someone a "failed abortion subhuman of a human being"! Let that sink in for a moment. Go ahead and attack me! I will gladly laugh my head off at your stupid comment!
Updated 4 years ago
By user546595 - posted: 4 years ago

Also, what does this have anything to do about religion? There is no relevance to religion and anything referenced to any religion in this post!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 years ago

Don't take him seriously, dude. He just needs to vent off some steam. He's been in quarantine for too long. He also sounds like someone women prefer to give a wide berth. Even in Syria, that guy wouldn't score.
Updated 4 years ago
By user546595 - posted: 4 years ago

The dude probably lost his mind. Just don't reply back if he says anything to you.
By zizuke - posted: 4 years ago

redacted for Syrian women - I need to keep my image on a typing forum for arbitrary women of other countries to get laid. I hear typing is pretty sexy there.
Updated 4 years ago
By zizuke - posted: 4 years ago

Damn, you all don't understand the concept of context. Pretty sad. Hope you do well in Syria @seinfield
Updated 4 years ago
By isotrex - posted: 4 years ago

Here's the obligatory, "Welcome to the internet!" reply.

Yeah, most people are crappy on the internet. They probably have issues in IRL, they're worse people, keyboard warriors or just trolling. Take your pick. Especially when discussing with politics and religions. There's no point. You might as well argue yourself in the mirror or on a wall.

Of course there are some good ones. But pretty hard to come by nowadays.
Updated 4 years ago
By ummm - posted: 4 years ago

But religion is awesome.
By user546595 - posted: 4 years ago

I'm not crapping on religion. I'm just saying in the reply @zizuke left, there isn't anything relevant about religion in this post he commented on.
By mattman2255 - posted: 4 years ago

There isn't in the forum itself, but he was referencing to the fact that this mumma character likes to post comments on quotes with religious content disdaining the poster for it. Which to be fair some of the particularly religious quotes advocating Christianity can be a little annoying. Only the overly preachy ones just because like, yeah this site isn't really for you to try to convince people to join your religion. But I mean do whatever you want just because I'm agnostic/atheist-ish doesn't mean you have to be. Just wanted to provide context for zizuke or whatever his name is's comment here lol.
By mattman2255 - posted: 4 years ago

I honestly don't know why I care. I'm almost a little embarrassed for my part in this situation ngl haha. oh well
By zizuke - posted: 4 years ago

Also, they preach anti-religious sentiment in their quotes.

Frank Guerin - on jesus
So let me get this straight, the unending, all-powerful force of creation that hand-made the universe funneled himself into the body of a human fetus and then teleported the fetus into the uterus of a married virgin. He then spent 30 years on earth walking around doing basically nothing and then one day rearranged reality to set in motion events that would lead to his own death, effectively committing suicide.

Esiah Zakite - On religion (edited)
Religious people suffer less depression, less stress and have a more positive outlook on life. But then so do the mentally retarded. Take a moment to ruminate on that.

Geoff Mather - On religion...
Can I just pin you down a little here? What exactly IS a god? You don't know. What is it made of? You don't know. Where is it? You don't know. You learnt about it from a Bronze Age book that claims truth for itself. And at your parents' knee. Is that where your outrageous certainty comes from?

Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason
The most detestable wickedness and the greatest miseries that have afflicted the human race have had their origin in this thing called revelation. It has been the most destructive to the peace of man since man began to exist. Among the most detestable villains in history, you could not find one worse than Moses, who gave an order to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers and then rape the daughters. One of the most horrible atrocities found in the literature of any nation.

The list goes on. I don't care for the validity, I care about them being hypocrites. I'm not even a christian.
Updated 4 years ago
By catrice - posted: 4 years ago

I'd say there is a difference between a pro or anti religious quote and a religious quote. "Religion is good because..." and "Religion is bad because..." are both different from "And our Lord hath commanded us....".
By mumma - posted: 4 years ago

I'm not a hypocrite - I'm fighting fire with fire. If people insist on exposing me to their religious garbage, I will expose them to my anti-religious sentiments. Of course I post anti-religious quotes. There must be a balance on this site! Every time I come on this site, I come across religious scripture and find it irritating. Ideally, there would be a rule that doesn't allow religious (or anti-religious) content, but seeing as how such a rule doesn't exist, I will post an anti-religious quote every time I come across a religious one

Admins - perhaps it would be wise to consider instituting a rule that quotes can't contain religious/anti-religious sentiments? I think that would be a fair way to please everyone involved.
By catrice - posted: 4 years ago

Religions oppose each other as much as non-religion opposes religion, so religious quotes are offensive to religious people as well.
By mattman2255 - posted: 4 years ago

I doubt this site is actively moderated. Doesn't seem to be anyhow.
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years ago

I would say that the difference here is intent. The majority of religious quotes I have come across on this site have uplifting themes based upon hope, faith, and morality. They do not tout themselves as above others; they simply convey the teachings of the religion in question.

In dichotomy of this Mumma, many of your anti-religious quotes come off as malicious and mocking. They do not simply stop at the teachings of atheism or evolution, they are vindictive and insulting; oft questioning the mental stability of those who practice religion.

To directly quote you as example; Religious people suffer less depression, less stress and have a more positive outlook on life. But then so do the mentally retarded. Take a moment to ruminate on that.
By mumma - posted: 4 years ago

Put simply - I post quotes that express sentiments that I believe to be true, just as these religious people do. I suppose they might find my posts to take on a mocking tone, just as I feel their religious quotes to take on a hypocritical, ignorant and/or preachy tone
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years ago

So your sentiment is that those who practice religion are mentally retarded?
By mumma - posted: 4 years ago

I'm not sure how one could come to a different conclusion. If I told you I believed in Superman, the Tooth Fairy or werewolves, would you not question my intelligence? People have been thrown in asylums for such proclamations with as much proof of their beliefs as christians have of theirs
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years ago

What a bold statement to make. 14.1 percent of the population is classified as non-religious. Which goes to say that you think that the remaining 85.9 percent of the world's population is retarded. Which is to say that you find yourself smarter than 4/5 of the population simply because you are not religious.
By mumma - posted: 4 years ago

Yes, you are correct in that, globally, 85% of the population professes to be religious - but that would include countries where they imprison people for being gay, clitorectomize females, imprison people for not sharing in the national faith, stone rape victims and bar girls from receiving an education (if they're not killed at birth for not being as desirable as a male). So clearly these countries are a bit behind the times so it doesn't surprise me that they haven't woken up to the fact that they are, in essence, worshipping something for which there is as much proof of existence as in the case of vampires or fairies. If you look at the data of individual countries, you will find many where only 15-20% of the population are religious (eg Sweden, Denmark, Norway). Incidentally, the countries with lower reported levels of religiosity consistently top the charts in the Annual World Happiness Report (with exceptions of course).
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years ago

Your last post has nothing to do with my initial post, I am not debating the prevalence of religion around the world. This is a debate on your malicious and insulting intent on comments and quotes you make. A practice that you have already confirmed comes from a place of superiority and hate. You have said that those who practice religion are mentally retarded- to which I clarified that 85 percent of the population is religious and by your definition; retarded. This was an attempt at a real world example of the ridiculousness of such a generalization.

To which your reply was that some countries are happier with low religious populations.

This is not a debate on the validity of religions, it is a debate on common decency and demeanor to your political and social opponents.
By mumma - posted: 4 years ago

Let me dumb down my response for you then. YES. If 4/5 of the world's population believes in an invisible being much like a goblin or the easter bunny, I do believe that I'm at least more rational, if not more intelligent, than 4/5 of the world's population

How could a rational person think otherwise?
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years ago

It wasn't necessary, my point was achieved. We already established that you are a self prescribed bigot whom is not to be taken seriously, but I assume it was cathartic for you to continue to insult.
By mumma - posted: 4 years ago

I'm such a terrible monster for thinking I'm smarter than people who live their lives in a state of make believe. I guess I should try to be less rational. Maybe I should start believing in Santa Claus
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years ago

I am not here to debate religion. I never have, I just want everyone to be able to post what they want here without bigots insulting them for their quotes. I am sorry that troubles you so.
By user85577 - posted: 3 years, 11 months ago

Too late my dude.