How To Learn How To Type Fast

By izzytyper - updated: 5 years, 5 months ago - 19 messages

Hi, I am IzzyTyper so my name is Isabelle I have always wanted to type fast so here is a list that could help you type fast too.
1. First, you want to do your best at memorizing the keys and where they are so that you don't have to look down at the keyboard when your typing.
2. Second, you want to make sure that your not getting distracted while learning about the keyboard because if you get distracted it could affect your learning and then you could learn separately from others and others may get confused.
3. Once you get the memory of where the keys are located then you can start to take steps to type fast.
4. Finally, Once you get the hang of it congrats and if you used this lesson Please state your name in the comments. Thank you.


It's better to give tips when you have more experience.
By aguthadeus - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Well, talk is cheap....considering you haven't played a single game, I would be more interested with how much speed you have attained using your principles, sorry if I sound offensive
By ariz.ahmed - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Cool, thanks for the tips!
By roxiun - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I would just get a good keyboard ( compressed layouts with mechanical keyboards are good. then just practice moving your fingers fast. Type while looking at the keyboard. In time you will autmatically learn it and it will become muscle memory.
By izzytyper - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I am sorry you don't understand the tips and you're being judgy but I have typed in a game and my average is 33.4 WPM. Please don't be rude and Judgy at least they are great tips. You didn't give any tips whats your average anyway.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

First, the original quote is very poorly written - there are tons of errors in it and the syntax is off. Secondly, it doesn't give any tips that aren't common knowledge. Also, you state in a later comment that you type 33 wpm - that is not a very good typing speed at all, so I'm not sure what position you're in to give 'tips' to other typists. And some of your tips don't even make sense - what do you mean by 'you could learn separately from others and others may get confused'?
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

My apologies for any confusion - but I screwed up and typed 'original quote' in my comment when I meant to type 'original form post'
By vinicui - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

@weesin Facts man. This person is rambling on about "tips" when they aren't whatsoever helpful. At all. These are the kind of tips for people that have ADHD or something. Which, don't get me wrong, having ADHD is perfectly fine, and well, sucks for you, but, these tips, if looked at by professional typists, could possibly make then worse at typing. I don't try to be rude, but if I am, I'm not sorry. These tips are horrendous.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I completely disagree with your saying that these tips 'could possibly make them worse at typing'. Although these tips are ridiculous in that they're not actually tips, they're just common knowledge, there is nothing wrong about the tips per se. All she's saying is to concentrate while learning/memorizing the keys before worrying about increasing your speed - and there's nothing wrong with that advice. I take issue more with the terrible spelling and grammar of the forum submission - and with her thinking that she should be giving typing advice to others when she says in later comments that she only types 33 wpm - that's pure hubris
By ltshine - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I mean I think one who can't perform the fundamentals of an activity can still spread knowledge of it. I'm also pretty abysmal at typing and yet I'm familiar with the technique. So sharing what you believe is helpful advice, regardless of your skill, is inoffensive and solely a positive thing in my mind. I feel like all the getting trolled has left you jaded Weesin.
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

You're probably right @Itshine - I probably am getting jaded because of all the trolling. However, I stand by what I said. Advice and tips should be given by knowledgeable, skilled people, and I don't think that that's the case here. Would you trust medical advice on the internet from someone who couldn't even form sentences properly? Or would you, instead, try to seek advice from what appeared to be a more knowledgeable source? I wouldn't take medical advice from a first year medical student - I would want medical advice from someone who had been in the field for a while. For this reason, I don't think I would take advice from someone who only types 33 wpm - I would, instead, want to get advice from someone who is an expert typer. And really, the tips given were so simple - they're just common knowledge. That's as irritating as some of the cheesy quotes on this site telling you that you'll be happier if, for instance, you learn how to forgive people. Well no kidding! Don't we all know that already? How about telling us something we don't already know.
By ltshine - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Weesin I get where you're coming from for sure. These are obvious tips that are easily regurgitated by anyone who's used a keyboard before. The thing though is that it's not so much a matter of whether it's worthwhile and more an argument of is it worth upsetting this person, and inevitably yourself, for what is a pretty minor annoyance at the absolute worst? Izzy obviously meant no harm in posting this and was well-intention-ed so I think your response was a bit excessive. I hope you get where I'm coming from.
By vinicui - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

@weesin I disagree with you disagreeing lmao. What I was trying to say, by the time the "pros" read over these tips, and tried them out they'd possibly be worse then they were before. This doesn't apply to everyone, just something that could surely happen. And this isn't common knowledge. The only "common knowledge" most people have is to not look at your keyboard and keep your fingers on homerow. Even I didn't know that REAL common knowledge, and improved drastically in the past year.
By boi - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I'm not sure why this has become such a debate. Isabelle just shared with us some logical tips that you can use to type faster, and though they might be common sense, is it really anybody's place to step in and counter her? They are completely legitimate tips. If you believe that there's other better tips to get faster at typing, just add another tip to KeyHero.
By mothertrucker - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Quit giving tips if you can't type fast yourself.
By nilsthebest - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago


It's better to give tips when you have more experience.
By vinicui - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I think that she just re-worded other tips that are known as common knowledge and twisted a few factors around. Plus, some of the are useless talk. For instance, "Once you get the memory of where the keys are located then you can start to take steps to type fast." I mean, that's only for some people. A streamer by the alias of tyler1 types faster than half of this lobby with only 2 fingers. That means looking at his keyboard. Personally, I don't even have the layout memorized.
By fefcas - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

In such a competition site, who would be interested in giving tips? So, here it go, continuing:

5 - Try to reach 100% accuracy, always!
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

ONLY 2 FINGERS, YOU SAY? I AM BEING RIPPED OFF. SOMEBODY, PLEASE ADDRESS THIS EXTREME INJUSTICE. At least tell me he doesn't type faster than I do, man, this is all I have in life.
By bitbat - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I find that these typing skills are very helpful.