Is coolby our new "weesin"?

By seinfeld - updated: 4 years, 5 months ago - 17 messages

Could the moderator of this site (@root) kindly look into the obnoxious behavior of that user? He seems a little... disturbed.

BTW thanks for blocking weesin! Our KeyHero community appreciates your decision to permanently block that user.

For the 3rd time, I'm asking you to provide evidence that Putin has indeed ordered any killings claimed by Western media outlets. I appreciate your taking the time to find those 2 articles but let me ask you this: do you honestly believe everything they say in the news? Newspaper articles like that are filled with politically biased and distorted speculations, not concrete facts. Have you noticed that Western media networks/papers never say anything nice/positive about Putin and his policies? Do you wanna know why? That's 'cause he's making Russia stronger and more powerful, and the Western leaders can't help feeling a bit threatened... GOOD! Even when there was a school shooting in Crimea ('Kerch Polytechnic College massacre': 21 dead/70 wounded), BBC didn't forget to leap at opportunity to Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V their most favorite lie of all: "Putin has annexed Crimea in 2014". BBC could've found other time to remind their gullible readers about that BS tbh.

Actually, what makes you think that comparative analysis can't be applied in the context of morality? For instance, should rape and certain crimes against humanity (e.g. genocide) have identical statutes of limitations? (Let's not go there, please. That was just an example.)

"What Trump has done is not the moral basis for Putin's actions." That's where you're wrong again. We're living in a highly interconnected/interdependent world. Actions of person A influence those of person B and vice versa. Putin and Trump are playing a certain kind of game. When one player acts less moral in each passing round, it might be in the interests of another player not to lag too far behind and adopt "whataboutism" as defense mechanism to "shoot down" :):) harsh criticisms regarding moral aspects of their policies/laws, e.g. "Dima Yakovlev's Law" (Dec/2012) - Putin had to play that game even w/ Obama LOL. In 2019, Trump and US pulled out of 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty signed by USSR & US. If Putin did the same first, there would be no end to criticism from various Western media. If Trump murders a journalist (how do we know he hasn't done that yet? jk) and somehow doesn't get US sanctioned, Putin could do just that and expect same level of understanding from international community. It's a two-way street!

I like this Latin phrase: "Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi", literally "what is permissible for Jupiter is not permissible for a bull". Whenever we talk about politics, it's good to remember it from time to time.
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

Hahahaha is this because I made a joke thread about typing speed elitism?
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

"Our Keyhero community"... I have been here 5x longer than you.
By caitlinmarie94 - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

Am I missing something? Who's weesin?
By blaugershnauger - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

Weesin was a user that fancied herself a moderator.
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

...Which I do not.

I think this guy is just offended because he doesn't think Putin is bad and I do, so he is going the ad hominem route.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

weesin was an insufferable random person who would always bútt in and post obnoxious stuff in every forum thread.

Please, remind me who said this: "Based on your stats I would say you have an olive tan complexion, with a slightly upturned nose. You wear your hair short, it is dark brown. You are overweight, but trying to learn more about this intermittent fasting thing to try to lose some weight."

"... so he is going the ad hominem route.".... dang it, you're such a hypocrite. Ok, since gloves are off, I'll just tell that you've wasted 5 years of your life, and you haven't learned a thing. It's not about how long you belong to a certain community but about the size of your overall impact/influence on the community.

"he doesn't think Putin is bad and I do" ... I bet if I said smth negative about Obama, you'd say smth negative about Putin in return. Must all people agree with your overall impression of the man ("Putin is bad")? Would that actually make you happy? Personally, I don't want to make all people think Putin is a good guy but you can't talk trash about the guy and not provide any evidence to support your claims. It's you who called him 'killer' though. All I said was "Putin kicks ass. What do you think about this guy?". "ad hominem", "whataboutism".. you'd say anything to try to shut down discussion b/c apparently you don't think COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS should be used in such discussions. If you think everyone ought to follow your completely made-up rules on how to debate, you need to grow up.

Anyway, we're going off on a tangent. It's up to @root to decide whether to remove your profile or keep it alive.
Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

In the ridiculous "olive tan" comment I was joking. I thought that was pretty clear, and consistent with the absurdity of the thread I made about slow typists having rights.
Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

Comparative analysis is super useful when you're comparing people! That's not how to evaluate the morality of actions on their own merit, though, and has nothing to do with my claim that Putin ordering killings is unethical.

Whataboutism is relevant when it is being used. What Trump has done is not the moral basis for Putin's actions. That's the heart of the issue. Trump could do literally anything and it does not make Putin's actions any more right or wrong.

I have been personally insulted multiple times- that doesn't have anything to do with what we are debating, unless that's also part of comparative analysis? You appear to know a lot more than me.
Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
By seinfeld - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

For the 3rd time, I'm asking you to provide evidence that Putin has indeed ordered any killings claimed by Western media outlets. I appreciate your taking the time to find those 2 articles but let me ask you this: do you honestly believe everything they say in the news? Newspaper articles like that are filled with politically biased and distorted speculations, not concrete facts. Have you noticed that Western media networks/papers never say anything nice/positive about Putin and his policies? Do you wanna know why? That's 'cause he's making Russia stronger and more powerful, and the Western leaders can't help feeling a bit threatened... GOOD! Even when there was a school shooting in Crimea ('Kerch Polytechnic College massacre': 21 dead/70 wounded), BBC didn't forget to leap at opportunity to Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V their most favorite lie of all: "Putin has annexed Crimea in 2014". BBC could've found other time to remind their gullible readers about that BS tbh.

Actually, what makes you think that comparative analysis can't be applied in the context of morality? For instance, should rape and certain crimes against humanity (e.g. genocide) have identical statutes of limitations? (Let's not go there, please. That was just an example.)

"What Trump has done is not the moral basis for Putin's actions." That's where you're wrong again. We're living in a highly interconnected/interdependent world. Actions of person A influence those of person B and vice versa. Putin and Trump are playing a certain kind of game. When one player acts less moral in each passing round, it might be in the interests of another player not to lag too far behind and adopt "whataboutism" as defense mechanism to "shoot down" :):) harsh criticisms regarding moral aspects of their policies/laws, e.g. "Dima Yakovlev's Law" (Dec/2012) - Putin had to play that game even w/ Obama LOL. In 2019, Trump and US pulled out of 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty signed by USSR & US. If Putin did the same first, there would be no end to criticism from various Western media. If Trump murders a journalist (how do we know he hasn't done that yet? jk) and somehow doesn't get US sanctioned, Putin could do just that and expect same level of understanding from international community. It's a two-way street!

I like this Latin phrase: "Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi", literally "what is permissible for Jupiter is not permissible for a bull". Whenever we talk about politics, it's good to remember it from time to time.
Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

The only evidence I can provide is the previously given list of 34 anti-Putin aligned journalists. I fully acknowledge that there is no available evidence directly linking him. It is reasonable for you to request that given your vehement disagreement with my claim. I maintain that he has been closely or directly involved in stamping out dissent via assassination, though, in the absence of direct evidence (which would be enormously difficult to obtain, given the insularity of the Russian Government). There is indirect evidence in the consolidation of power and public anti-free speech actions Putin has taken against groups. It's consistent with that kind of mentality and behavior. How many anti-Putin people must be killed for that conjecture to become reasonable in your eyes?

I accept that Putin has taken actions to make Russia stronger on the world stage. I acknowledged that in my very first comment. It is not relevant to whether or not killing innocent people is justified.

My prior statement about comparative analysis was "that's not how you evaluate actions on their own merit". My claim (that Putin killing/being connected to killing journalists that disagree with him is unethical) can be evaluated on its own merit. If Trump kills everyone on the planet except a small group of people, then Putin kills 1 of those remaining people, it would still be just as wrong for Putin to kill 1 person. Of course Trump is in the wrong, too, but that does not impact whether or not Putin's action was ethical.

Your paragraph about the world being interconnected so leaders doing things in response to what other leaders have done- is true. It definitely could be an explanation for why Putin has decided to take certain actions, but it doesn't make them more ethical, at least in the context of permitting murder of Russian civilians for his own ultimate gain.

The US has had 3 journalists killed in the same way that Russia has had 34 journalists killed in the same timeframe. The US has over 2x the population of Russia as well, so that statistic is even more skewed.
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

Keep in mind the context you are using that quote in. My claim has been about killing journalists. So your claim is that if other groups kill people, it is more okay for one group to kill people. That kind of opinion places little value on human life.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

"given the insularity of the Russian Government"... unfortunately, it's probably just as hard to obtain evidence from any US government body.

May I remind you that Maria Butina was imprisoned on a completely trumped-up charge? She was deported last year though.

"The US has had 3 journalists killed in the same way that Russia has had 34 journalists killed in the same timeframe." Like I said: no incriminating evidence -> not guilty. Putin is innocent until proven guilty. That's how US justice system works, bud. You should know.

Take care!
Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
By seinfeld - posted: 4 years, 8 months ago

I doubt weesin was a female, probably just some dude posing as a single mom
Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
By hunterz1200 - posted: 4 years, 6 months ago

I always got the impression of a bespectacled English Teacher who got really pissed at his job and would go home and take to throwing out random insults on a typing test website.

Kind of a weird profile to put together considering all I've done is read what Weesin posts and comments, but hey, welcome to the internet.

Interesting argument, guys. Fun to read.

Updated 4 years, 6 months ago
By inellipsale - posted: 4 years, 6 months ago

Coolby is going to get banned if you keep talking, so please stop
By coolby - posted: 4 years, 5 months ago

Why will I get banned?
By smoke_pope - posted: 4 years, 5 months ago

Hey guys! Remember your love of typing!
- Smoke Pope, The Pope of Smoking