People Should Comment More

By ltshine - updated: 5 years, 5 months ago - 9 messages

I'm fairly new but I've contributed a couple quotes. I like to keep tabs on them so if they need fixing or are being down voted I can fix them. Unfortunately if I don't get feedback and just get down votes I can't really learn from my mistake. I understand why people might not comment for fear of an immature OP retaliating against a perceived attack but it's a shame that that weakens the community as a whole.
True; I think that people just aren't open enough.
But the reason people might not comment is probably due to the attitude of some people on this website, as I've observed. I personally don't have that fear, since I comment a lot and am open on an other website I frequent where people are particularly respectful and nice. But hey, we can't force people into being more open, sadly..
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Well said @Itshine. I couldn't agree more
By nilsthebest - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

True; I think that people just aren't open enough.
But the reason people might not comment is probably due to the attitude of some people on this website, as I've observed. I personally don't have that fear, since I comment a lot and am open on an other website I frequent where people are particularly respectful and nice. But hey, we can't force people into being more open, sadly..
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Most people just want to type, not respond to quotes and give feedback. Taking a look through your quotes, one of them hits one of my biggest pet peeves--an em dash formatted as (word - word) instead of the correct (word--word). This may be how it was formatted in the source material, but it's still hard for me to type because it's not normal. Other than that, they're a tad bit long and some--including me, unless the quote is actually meaningful in some way--may not like quotes from games.

To my knowledge, people only comment if there's something materially wrong with the quote. If they just don't like or don't agree with the content, then they may downvote it, but of course they wouldn't leave a comment; there's no objective constructive criticism to be given. It's important to remember that typing out a comment to give your thoughts on a quote takes a decent amount of time to collect your thoughts and give constructive criticism, which is what you want to my understanding. Most people don't want to take the time to do this unless the quote is truly awful, and most wouldn't even leave a comment if that were the case--they'd downvote and move on.
By ltshine - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I mean they don't want to is a fair argument if not a little unhelpful. People down voting for taste is itself kinda problematic. I definitely feel like taste should have a separate rating system considering the current one's function isn't just ratings but to remove the quotes from the site. This means that potentially serviceable quotes are trashed because they just weren't to the taste of some people.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I agree @Itshine. When voting, the only thing that I consider is whether or not the quote is well-written, regardless of whether I appreciate the content/meaning of the quote itself. The only exception to this would be if I find a quote offensive or inappropriate - then I'll downvote those regardless of whether or not they contain errors. This is a public site that is accessed by people of all ages so I strongly believe that quotes should be appropriate for peeople of all ages.

That being said, I will also admit to downvoting any and all quotes by Jordan Peterson because I'm certain he is the devil....
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

There's more to a quote than being grammatically correct and flowing well, though. If the content of the quote is dumb or even offensive, who wants to type it? Downvoting for taste is fine, in my opinion, even though I personally don't care enough to do it.
By endvisible - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I think it'd be funny, albeit terrible, if the site required you do learn the alt code for an em dash — ALT + 0151 — to type it.
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I didn't even know what the alt code was for it; I'm so reliant on Word that I don't really think about it outside of Word and just use the uglier --. Good to know, actually. It would be really nice, though, if -- converted automatically into — on here... wishful thinking on my part.
By this - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Down-voting love letters and sappy motivational quotes is a guilty pleasure of mine. I think voting according to taste makes perfect sense. If most people dislike typing a quote, that should be sufficient reason to boot it out of rotation.