Please stop with the Burn Notice quotes

By tyler - updated: 7 years, 7 months ago - 12 messages

I'm really tired of reading the same quotes over and over from that show Burn Notice. I've never watched it, but the character sounds like a Mary Sue, and the writing is pretentious. Please stop with Harry Potter quotes, and Doctor Who quotes as well, for that matter. It is tedious to go through the same writings over and over and over again. Mix it up a little.
If enough *other* people don't like Burn Notice, they'll downvote them and the quotes will not show up any more.
By tylerisbutthurt - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

If you don't like the quotes submit your own, skip them, or go somewhere else.
By tyler - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

Why didn't you comment with your actual account? And why should I go somewhere else? I'm trying to make this community better, it's about touch-typing, not Burn Notice.

At the very least choose something culturally enriching, and not a ridiculous pandered American TV show, or more Donald Trump quotes.
By tylerisbutthurt - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

My actual account? You mean the account I am using right now?

Also, If you want to make the community better, add your own quotes and vote on quotes. You claim you are trying to make the community better but you aren't actually doing anything other than complaining in a forum post. Also, why is it so bad to support the democratically elected president of the United States? Why must people make everything political? This is a typing site not a political site.
Updated 7 years, 7 months ago
By tyler - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

I have added quotes, first of all, and secondly, if that is an actual account, why are you only using it to harass people? You haven't practiced on that account at all, because you are too busy using your other one to post Burn Notice quotes, and the dribble that comes out of Trump's mouth. You made it political by making it political. Trump lost the popular vote, and he will go down in history are the worst president to date.
By tylerisbutthurt - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

You have added a total of 5 quotes, 3 of which aren't actual quotes, you are just quoting yourself. 2 of those quotes are just you complaining because you feel entitled to everything and think that being offended is the worse possible thing in the world. People like you are the problem with the world.

You know who else lost a popular vote? Obama. He lost the popular vote to Hillary in the 2008 Primary elections, but where was the outrage for that? The only reason you are complaining now is because your candidate was such a terrible person that she couldn't beat Donald Trump. You lost, get over it, complaining everyday because you aren't getting your way isn't going to change the fact that your president is Donald Trump.
By tphryan - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

If enough *other* people don't like Burn Notice, they'll downvote them and the quotes will not show up any more.
By toby_the_dawg - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

Political and Religious quotes are not allowed whether they be Conservative or Liberal
By tyler - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

I haven't posted anything political, neither Conservative nor Liberal.
By tylerisbutthurt - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

Actually, you have Tyler because one of your "quotes", if one can even call them that, is openly attacking the current President. That is political. It is not a quote that is constructively criticising the president, it is an attack. The only reason you claim it is not political is because it has become socially acceptable to attack and slander Trump but it is heresy to even say one negative thing about Bernie "Socialist psychopath" Sanders, or Hillary "side of beef" Clinton.
By tyler - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

I'm stating facts about the person named Donald Trump. I didn't mention anything about the presidency, or the United States, or Hillary, or Bernie Sanders. It wasn't an attack or slander. I stated actual facts about Donald Trump. If you can't handle that, maybe it's because you're a special little snowflake.
By toby_the_dawg - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

Though it clearly states in the agreement that Religious and Political things are not allowed so.... Your lucky that one of us does not contact an admin.
By tyler - posted: 7 years, 7 months ago

It's no more political than saying Thomas Edison pirated inventions or that Neil Armstrong was the first guy on the moon. I stated actual facts, not anything religious or politically opinionated.