Quotes about Typing

By derig - updated: 9 years, 1 month ago - 3 messages

This must be the oddest thing in the world. But when a quote about "how to type better" comes up, I get the lowest wpm - right now I'm around 68-70wpm - but when I get to those quotes, I fall down to the fifties. Is it just me (probably..., smile)? Or does this happen to anyone else?

Just wondering,
It may be because you become (over) conscious of the actual act of typing. You start to think about the movement you make with your fingers, the position of your arms, posture etc. and this can be distracting or causing you to be nervous so you start to make more mistakes. I found that not concentrating on the actual typing but just trying to read the text you type as you would read a normal text helps me to relax and, therefore, not make so many mistakes.
By hodor_1234 - posted: 9 years, 1 month ago

It may be because you become (over) conscious of the actual act of typing. You start to think about the movement you make with your fingers, the position of your arms, posture etc. and this can be distracting or causing you to be nervous so you start to make more mistakes. I found that not concentrating on the actual typing but just trying to read the text you type as you would read a normal text helps me to relax and, therefore, not make so many mistakes.
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 9 years, 1 month ago

Might also be that you try to process the information in the quote more carefully since you're interested, which might also slow you down. I must say I rarely encounter such quotes, and if I do, I tend to skip them because I'm not really looking for advice anymore, and they just bore me. The ones I do remember though often had some numbers in them, or capitalized abbrevations like WPM, which are awkward to type if you're not using the capslock key.

Anyway, I wouldn't let it bother me too much.
By derig - posted: 9 years, 1 month ago

They are boring, aren't they..., no offense to anyone. I think I'll just skip them like you - I've already typed them a billion times (or so it seems :)...!