Religious quotes

By davetheslave - updated: 11 years, 3 months ago - 30 messages

Bad enough that religion is still forced down children's throats. Do we really need religious text on here?

Is it just me that objects to typing God is great etc?
For all of those who somehow do not know about don't go. This website is not any better than keyhero. It is slightly prettier, but it has a limited number of quotes and the racing aspect actually harms more than it helps. The reason that he left is actually the reason that I came here from there, as here there are always new quotes and you are never typing from memory, which I found I was doing after a month or so of typing there. davetheslave is not a good example.

I'm not saying you shouldn't go there at all. Check out the site if you'd like, just know that as someone who has been a part of both websites that this one is better.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I'm sure there's other people but I don't think they really care enough. What does it matter anyway? You believe what you believe and a quote on a website for typing shouldn't change anything that you believe in so you shouldn't have a problem with it. I know that if I see an atheist quote I will just shrug and move on. I go on all the time and that's what I have to do quite often.
By ac93 - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

You know that if you don't like a quote, you can hit the escape button and they'll give you a new one right? And you also know that you can rate quotes, so if you don't like a quote, you can rate it low.
By davetheslave - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I know you can ignore it. Just saying, I don't understand why people need to post pro or anti religious comments. Political, religious and other personal views should be outlawed :)
By user39578 - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I don't believe in censorship, nor do I believe in "cramming religion down people's throats." The quotes on this site are very broad (for example, all of the quotes do not center around God, some even express a different point of view or even opossing points of view). The quotes are exposing us to different people's beliefs, observations about life, opinions etc... and should be read objectively; the site even gives users the option to use a different quote.

Your outrage against the religious quotes is ridiculous as they don't even come close to cramming religion down anyone's throat. Just click for a new quote and quit wasting your energies screaming the sky is falling.
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I added a quote from the Quran because I find it worth thinking about (mainly about how the religion it spawned is audacious enough to claim the titel "Religion of Peace"). Religion still has a huge impact on societies all around the globe. Getting a little snippet from one of the respective books could go a long way in exposing the ridiculousness of it.

If you want to banish political, religious and other personal views from this site, all we would have left are wikipedia article quotes. There really are some good quotes on here, motivational, inspirational, some cynical and yes, some bigoted ones. Some people talk pure gold, others plain rubbish; you can't have one without the other.
By thefeediddy - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

Personally, I don't think it matters on a site like this. It's not there to preach to people, it's just there for you to practice your typing skills. Plus like others are saying - if you don't like it, don't type that one.
By pivotmasterdm1 - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

You're a dick...
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

Yeah. Totally. We should work harder to have some our most basic freedoms taken away from us. This is the stupidest thing I have heard all day. And with a smiley face to top it off.
By babygirlmanda9910 - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I totally agree. If you are from the United States of America, and this other person talking about cramming religion onto people, then the words "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" should definitely come to mind. The escape button is there for a reason. I also know that they don't "cram" religion in schools, for Pete's sake, they don't even pledge allegiance to the flag of our country anymore, and why? We have lived through many wars against other countries that have nothing but hatred against us, because we are free and allowed to do a heck of a lot more than they would ever get away with in their country. Just being able to post something on this site in rebuttal towards someone else's quotes or comments is a wonderful activity per say from lack of better words, because some people live in other countries with candles as their lights. They bathe in rivers filled with feces along with alligators and other animals waiting to feast on them. They face everyday hoping to die, and here you sit, bashing someone for saying something? Let's be real about the situation for a minute, letting words get the best of you from someone who has not even met you, seen a picture of you, yet alone even heard your voice got you so revved up and look at you with your red face and your thoughts running through your little head. Be happy that when you wake up in the morning that God gave you breath for another day. If you don't believe in God, then just be grateful for another great day of oxygen and that the atmosphere has not been totally absorbed by carbon dioxide yet and that the global warming still hasn't flooded the whole planet, oh, and don't forget about the apes and gorillas that are smart like us that could very well take over one day because it seems like they are the only animals that scientists want to make smarter and test on. Wake up dude and smell the coffee. Go out for a walk around the block instead of just to the car and then some crappy store that all you are going to buy are things made from underpaid and overworked employees from another country that will break in due time, as they are made this way so you would have to go back and buy it all over again and again and again.
Just take a chill pill, everything works itself out eventually, and I admire your taking a stand against whatever it was that hyped you up. Speaking your mind is something that a lot more people need to learn how to do, and doing it over the internet is the first step. I like to do it everywhere. That's just me though. I hope this shed a little light on your situation or how you feel about it, and maybe made you think a little on both sides instead of one? Don't take any offense to any of it as that was not what I wrote this or the intention of it to be.
By user210176 - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

why shouldn't we type that? it is true and God is great and we shouldn't complain about typing about it.
By davetheslave - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

For those of you saying "lighten up, just hit escape to skip a quote you don't like"

As soon as the text arrives, the timer starts, so I just start typing without realizing if its a religious text or not. I normally twig half way though when I'm typing God is the greatest etc.

Could the timer not start until the first character is typed, giving all of us a chance to review the text before starting?

PS I'm not in America and my comment was not about schools teaching religion. Its all the adults out there that need to tell kids that they should believe in their good. By all means have your own beliefs, but don't prey on children like a pedophile.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Well you know what? Put up with it. I am a Christian who frequents and when I see something regarding atheism I just shrug and continue along my merry way. It's not going to kill you.

"Could the timer not start until the first character is typed, giving all of us a chance to review the text before starting?"

Really? REALLY?

"PS I'm not in America and my comment was not about schools teaching religion."

OK. But the thing is that if it were about schools it would actually make sense. This website is not cramming anything down any child's throat. Anway, I don't think there are hardly any children that come here, as if you google typing or anything is the first website to show up. There is a small number of people who frequent this site compared to those who go to other websites for typing.

"Its all the adults out there that need to tell kids that they should believe in their good."

And now we are on a completely different subject.

"By all means have your own beliefs, but don't prey on children like a pedophile. "

I have absolutely no idea where this simile about pedophiles came from because this is not at all accurate to what is going on here. People are choosing to type quotes that have to do with God, so if you really want to have an accurate simile it would be like a child preying on a pedophile who is just hanging around minding his own business. If you are talking about everyone in general, then we are, again, on a different subject.

Not a single person here has agreed with you. You make no sense. Nobody cares. Stop. This is a personal problem that it seems like nobody else here shares with you. You can find out a way to solve it on your own.
Updated 11 years, 4 months ago
By zimbabwereckoning - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

As an Atheist, truly believing there is no such thing as a God or higher deity until one is presented to me, I really don't see a problem with it. I mean, if you don't believe in God, you're only typing words about some non-existent character. Then again, I suppose you could be part of a religion that doesn't deny the existence of God but chooses to acknowledge it and go against it, or perhaps worships another God. It's a hard thing to argue about, but I'd say that it's fine to have some religious text. Not to mention, it's not just God, it's various religions with different beliefs.
By davetheslave - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

afbwelter, whats wrong with my suggestion to not start calculating wpm until you type the first letter? Don't know what you mean by "really, REALLY"
By davetheslave - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

zimbabwereckoning, From a young age I was brainwashed that God existed. By parents and at school. I had church before school 6 days a week and often had two sessions on Sunday. Not only do I object to this attempt at brainwashing (it worked till I was about 11) but also the amount of time that I could have been doing something productive or enjoyable.

This is why it winds me up so much,

I don't want to impinge on free speech, I just don't want to listen.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Then don't listen. I don't know what you don't understand because here you are continuing to go on about this problem that you have that already has an answer. Hit escape when you see the word God. I can understand why you resent the idea of something that has stolen so much from you, but really you don't even have to come to this website. You don't even have to go on the computer. If you don't want to impinge free speech and you just don't want to listen then here's a suggestion:

Don't impinge our freedom of speech and don't listen. You make the choice to come to this website and read and type whatever may come across the screen, including anything to do with God. I think that your idea to have the timer not start until you begin typing is fine and dandy, but nobody else has your problem and what's the difference between reading and typing something? It seems that you're going to such great lengths to keep yourself away from something that you cannot distance yourself from. Religion is everyone, and you will have to learn to deal with it.
By nobody25 - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

If you are truly an atheist like I am, then God is, to you, a fictitious character, much like someone out of a movie or a book. Do you have anything against typing "Darth Vader is great" or anything like that? It's not like God's a real life bully that's stealing your lunch money, in which case, I'd understand if you didn't want to type something like that. Don't forget our freedoms of speech and religion, which protect our right to upload religious texts to this site.
By pivotmasterdm1 - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Do people preach Darth Vader? Do people tell you you're going to hell if you don't listen to Darth Vader?
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

No but Shrek. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
By ukissmnida - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

I quote's just a quote. Honestly. We're here to type so why should it matter? Believe what you want to believe. Typing out phrases from a bible isn't going to harm you, nor does it mean that you believe what you're typing.
By 83341 - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Dude seriously, if you don't like the quote keep going until you find one you like. Honestly, if you're being so stubborn about which quotes you type maybe you shouldn't be on here. Just saying.
By mavrikfalkon - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

If you don't like it skip it. Simple enough.
By mavrikfalkon - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Although I disagree with your opinion of the existence of God, I have to say "Thank you". You make a valid point.
Not every Christian is a zealot.
By davetheslave - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

OK, moved to Quotes more vetted for quality. I'll take my frustration elsewhere lol.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

For all of those who somehow do not know about don't go. This website is not any better than keyhero. It is slightly prettier, but it has a limited number of quotes and the racing aspect actually harms more than it helps. The reason that he left is actually the reason that I came here from there, as here there are always new quotes and you are never typing from memory, which I found I was doing after a month or so of typing there. davetheslave is not a good example.

I'm not saying you shouldn't go there at all. Check out the site if you'd like, just know that as someone who has been a part of both websites that this one is better.
By trollfacejpeg - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

It never really bothered me because I come here to type and like seeing new quotes added.....which is better than sites that just recycles 10-20 quotes over and over again.
By darlove - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Apparently people are so addicted to religion that nothing can make them stop and think :( Well, thinking has never been something that believers would cherish. Nonsense is what they love. No way around it, I'm afraid :(
By jarmintrout1 - posted: 11 years, 3 months ago

There is nothing wrong with teaching your children about GOD! I do not think it should be forced upon anyone. But I am a Christian and I do think, and I am a believer who does cherish thinking. Its unfortunate that you have encountered people who are addicted to religion that do not stop to think but thats not all of us. God Bless you and have a great day.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 3 months ago

I think that there is a large number of misinformed or stupid Christians. There are Christians that are just horrible people. These are all PEOPLE though. You must remember that they are HUMAN, and so inevitably there will be misinformed and stupid people of different religions as there are stupid and misinformed and nonsense-loving atheists. There are many Christians who do think and respond to logic. I also personally believe that somebody who sits in front of a television watching Jersey Shore or frankly any other television show all day is someone who loves nonsense, not someone who has the strength to believe in something without any tangible proof of this thing. Really anyone that is emotionally invested in something that they know fully well is not real is silly. Surely you could say that this is the same as religion, but someone in a religion believes and often knows these things to be true. Anyway, it is not AT ALL your right to go pointing fingers at people in believing in something. This country was built around a set of morals and beliefs. That everyone should be free to be fat. Free to be stupid. Free to watch Jersey Shore all day. Free to worship any god that they please. Don't judge something you don't understand.
By dovewingtc - posted: 11 years, 3 months ago

God is real! You will go to hell if you don't ask God into your heart! I am not trying to offensive but it is true!Please ask God into your heart, it really works!