Some tips for better typing

By vmlm - updated: 10 years, 6 months ago - 4 messages

What really helped me improve my typing speed is practice constantly and consistently. Learn about the correct typing method and effective training techniques. There are plenty of online sites and desktop apps that can help you with the basics.

Sit down and practice A LOT, on a consistent schedule. Make a list of all the most common mistakes that you make, and your typing quirks. Cross things off the list that you manage to correct, and add new stuff as you become aware of it.
Before starting each practice session set some tangible goals like "I will strengthen my pinky and practice using the p and the q", or "I will correct how I always place the e before the h in the".
Don't worry about speed. Instead, concentrate on internalizing the motion of correctly typing each letter. Do so by watching your fingers. As you move the finger you're supposed to move, notice what finger you WANT to move out of habit, and force yourself to complete the correct motion. Intermittently practice typing things with your eyes closed or while not looking at the keyboard.
Another good tip is to try and type out the entire keyboard in order: "qwerty..." calling out the letter that you think is next, and without looking at the keyboard. This will help you memorize the layout while helping you internalize the correct motions.
Eventually you'll notice there's a rhythm to the way you type out certain words and internalize that too, but that'll take a lot of practice.

Some tips:
Your biggest obstacle will be your own habits and defeatism. Don't think of yourself of "being too slow" or think that you just can't do it. In fact, don't think about yourself at all, just think about the motions, the practice and correcting your mistakes. The more you think about how hard it is, and how bad you are at it, the less you concentrate, the more effort you waste and the less you actually learn.
There are no shortcuts, it won't be easy and there will be setbacks. Accept it.
Consciously trying to "go faster" doesn't do what you think it does. It just makes you more agitated. Instead of doing that, concentrate on typing correctly, question why you think you're going so slow, and work to correct those mistakes. However, there will be moments when you will have to push yourself in order to break your own subconscious barriers and limitations.

Happy typing :).
Tey there. can you give site that i can learn how to improve my typing.
By shashu10 - posted: 10 years, 12 months ago

This was a more inspirational post than I was expecting to find here.

You're right about practice. Nothing can substitute for good old fashioned practice. I sat with my girlfriend watching her type effortlessly and accurately at crazy fast speeds. It constantly gave me an inferiority complex. I felt like I needed to be better since I was a computer science major and her an art major. So when I pointed out her far above average typing skill, she told be that her school made her practice typing specifically and get better. I never once had any kind of typing practice. I assumed some people just have better motor skills. But no. It's just practice.

And your tip about accuracy seems like it will help a lot. I try to type fast. It's just a habit of mine. But I realize now that I use the delete key a lot. I make a lot of mistakes... reaching for keys with one hand before the other hand has finished typing. I'll try to focus on the way I type rather than focusing on speed which is getting me nowhere.
By thenazreen90 - posted: 10 years, 12 months ago

Tey there. can you give site that i can learn how to improve my typing.
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 10 years, 11 months ago

Very good tips!
By adam_fort - posted: 10 years, 6 months ago

Let your fingers fly over the keyboard. Do not put wrists on the table or keyboard.

This tip from http://www.ratatype…