
By user39587 - updated: 11 years, 5 months ago - 3 messages

has anyone noticed that one of the tests spells "intelligent" as "intellegent" AND if you type it correctly you get an error?

Yes, because you're supposed to type it exactly as it is written. :l which is stupid because I come across many an error and being the English nerd that I am, I always want to fix it.
By eatmybubbleslol - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

Yes, because you're supposed to type it exactly as it is written. :l which is stupid because I come across many an error and being the English nerd that I am, I always want to fix it.
By thefeediddy - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I have the issue of American spellings of words, rather than English spelling. It definitely makes it much more difficult to type - your instinct is to go with what your brain knows!
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 5 months ago

I think that the quotes that people write should go through a spelling and grammar check before they are submitted, because I also often find many errors.