Stuck as 50 wpm and can't progress

By dougui - updated: 8 years, 7 months ago - 11 messages


I stuck at 50 wpm for more than one week and I want to faster. I practice 40 minutes every days on keyhero and on .

I may improve my position on the chair. I'm trying to have this position : http://www.rapidtyp… but this other one can be good too : https://litreactor.… . Do you have any tip for positionnement?

I'm waiting for a Ergodox keyboard. Will it be useful? May the inclination can help me.

Any tips can be useful.

I type more than 50 wpm
By rockman829 - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

Ergodox keyboards are ok, I would've sugested a Das Keyboard (Thats what I have and I love it), but it still is fine to use. I suggest that you don't go for speed, and that you try to go for accuracy! I know you probably have heard that a lot but it is true, I used to be stuck on like 60 WPM too, but then I just tried to strive for accuracy, and now, one year later I can type easily 100 WPM! And you are training hard everyday too, I just do it probably around 30 min once a week or whenever I can. Overall though, from what I can tell you are a dedicated typist, and I wish you good luck in your journey.
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

I presume you're already touch typing without looking at your keys. If not, focusing on typing without looking at your keyboard should be your first priority.

That said, I don't think a change of position (if the position you're typing in right now is comfortable to you) will break your plateau. Neither will a new keyboard - unless your lack of progress would be due to lack of practice, but 40 minutes seems enough to me.

To break your plateau, I would advise you to take a step back from speed and focus on accuracy. I say this since typing fast is about learning and optimizing routines (as in "type-word-XY"). If type-word-XY is a sloppy routine, you'll get errors if you try to increase the speed with which it runs. Since I see your accuracy dipping below 95% a few times on your profile, going back on speed and instead optimizing the routines would be my advised course of action. You can try pushing for speed again after a couple of days, and it should almost effortlessly go beyond what you're straining to do now.
By dougui - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

I type without watching the keyboard and my fingers are on the home row. Furthermore, I'm using the colemak layout.

My accuracy is at 97%. Is it enough to continue? I guess I have to train my brain and be more confident when I type. My brain knows by rote where keys are so I just have to stop to think and continue to train myself.
By toddhicks209 - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

The posture displayed in your first link is the right one.
By solobeast - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

I can't type the homerow style. I chicken peck as some will say. But I play tons of online games and I was never taught the homerow style, my hands are already used to a chicken peck kind of style. I have been improving in my speed and acc since I started on this site. Im just proud that i can type in the 60 WPM and i dont even type the right way. Most people would say that typing this way is harder and you shouldnt be able to break 40 WPM.
By toddhicks209 - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

Actually, most peckers probably can't type more than 20 or 25 wpm.
By bryanpoland21 - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

I type more than 50 wpm
By syterth1 - posted: 8 years, 8 months ago

Another suggestion for speed:

Force yourself to type slowly. A nice comfortable speed where you don't feel rushed at all. Do this for a few days. -Do not go faster- Once you've done that, then slowly work to go faster. A small bit at a time.

I'm a musician and that's what I would do to play notes faster. Typing is practically the same thing. The only way you can get faster is if your brain can effectively think while you're typing. If you can't follow along with your mind, how do you expect your fingers to keep pace?
By muhafil - posted: 8 years, 7 months ago

Just Practise Practise and practise day night nothing else
By toddhicks209 - posted: 8 years, 7 months ago

You should practice a lot but too much practice may be detrimental. Be aware of when it's time to back off.
By muhafil - posted: 8 years, 7 months ago

No its not true that too much practice may be detrimental