Stylish styles

By justin0 - updated: 8 years, 3 months ago - 1 message

Someone made a dark style for keyhero with stylish:

So, I made a very simple style that makes these changes:
Quote text is black and uses the serif font Georgia. Text input window has a bigger font size, text color is black and uses the serif font Georgia.
Here it is:
You have to install the stylish extension for your browser (or greasemonkey maybe?).

(So, the way I made the style is: once you have installed the stylish extension, you right click something on the page and select "Inspect Element" then you look in the left pane at the line that is highlighted and you right click it and select "Copy Unique Selector", then you click on the stylish icon and select "Write New Style", and you right click and paste to paste the "unique selector" you selected... and then you go on from there on your own...)

Edit: go to https://userstyles.… to see all the styles people have created for keyhero.
Edit: On you can click on "Show CSS" to see the code of any style in there if you want to modify it.
Edit: marc3's creator- said this: "Building your custom style is easy. It's a great way to experiment UI changes. If a new style has some traction, I will be fine integrating it to the site." (https://www.keyhero…)