By samuro - updated: 10 years, 3 months ago - 12 messages

It might have been a troll, but in making us consider and spell out why we like this site and the way it handles things, we are winning in conviction and in pushing our awareness why this site is special, and why we stick around.

You only ever lose to a troll when it gets you to attack its strawman personality with ad hominem arguments, but even then, the troll is not winning. Trolls are losers by definition.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

I'm improving. If you look at the profiles of people that have been here for a long while or anyone who is really good, you can see improvement.

You have a point, but then again should we be allowed to continue typing after we have made a mistake? When we are typing in the real world we are not going to continue typing if we notice that we have made a mistake or otherwise we will have typos littering our every word document, and this is not good at all. I think that making you go back to fix your errors is good because when you are going to be typing in the real world you will be doing this.

I think you're just a little fed up because you have been on this website for a total of 15 hours now and you have not improved. Actually on your profile it says that you have done just the opposite. I found that this was the same for me for a while, but I didn't just give up after a whopping total of 35 quotes. I continued typing and working on my speed diligently, and you will find that typing too much in one day will sap both your focus and your strength. If I were to type all at once for an hour or so straight my speed would definitely go down, just because my attention is not that large. Sure, I can sit through a 2 hour long lecture and learn throughout but performing at your best for a total of 2 hours is basically impossible.

And if you are really all that irked by the fact that this website makes you stop to correct all of your mistakes then just go away. You are the second annoying person on this forum that has come whining about something stupid like this in the 3 weeks I have been here. Sure, I understand what you are trying to say but this website will not change and dwelling on how stupid this website is will only bring you anger. So I will ask you kindly to go away. Please. Just leave.


Here is a website for typing that does not make you stop midsentence to correct every mistake. Go have fun.
By pivotmasterdm1 - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Caps lock is cruise control for cool.
By ukissmnida - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Eh I'm still improving. You learn to backspace faster too anyway lol
By user39578 - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

obviously you don't type in the real world. When you type in the real world, you're looking at your source text, not at what you're typing - I can't imagine anyone looking back and forth between their source text and what they're typing being able to type faster than 40 wpm. I type between 70-100 wpm: never look at what you're typing LEARN TOUCH TYPING.
By dovewingtc - posted: 11 years, 3 months ago

When you get a job you will need to make sure every word you type is correct. So yah, this sight is good for you.
By chanyphilly87 - posted: 10 years, 4 months ago

I find it encouraging to have to stop and correct my mistakes. It's too easy (as I found out) to take auto-correct for granted, which leads you to thinking you're faster at typing than you actually are. What would you do if computers ceased to exist and we had to go back to using typewriters? You'd be using a heck of a lot of Tip-Ex!
By teil0 - posted: 10 years, 4 months ago

Few skills worth learning are easy.
By jesallen1320 - posted: 10 years, 4 months ago

The whole purpose is to learn to not make mistakes. When your able to do that then speed will come. Work on your accuracy! :)
By fingerpunch - posted: 10 years, 3 months ago

Accuracy is *far* more important than speed. Wpm is meaningless if you aren't hitting the correct keys.

Also, for those of you hoping to make it to 100wpm, you'll never make it if you cement bad accuracy habits early on.
By user14968 - posted: 10 years, 3 months ago

Who says you have to stop and fix every single mistake? You can check the "training mode" and have fun with all type mistakes you made. See if you can improve your typing that way :)
By skynet928 - posted: 10 years, 3 months ago

What is the point of correcting mistakes, so you don't typei liske thisc and maket all yor senctenes illgeible.

Seriously, there is no point in having a high WPM if you can't spell and punctuate to save your life. Accuracy is everything and that is what this site is trying to teach you.

That or you are trolling us and with all these replies, the troll is winning, even with my reply.
By kaikaikaikai - posted: 10 years, 3 months ago

It might have been a troll, but in making us consider and spell out why we like this site and the way it handles things, we are winning in conviction and in pushing our awareness why this site is special, and why we stick around.

You only ever lose to a troll when it gets you to attack its strawman personality with ad hominem arguments, but even then, the troll is not winning. Trolls are losers by definition.