Typing music

By vfdavis - updated: 9 years, 3 months ago - 12 messages

This may sound silly, but my best typing is when I'm listening to music. And basically type to the music based on the rate of the song.

While I don't have any particular favourites for typing to. I was wondering if anyone else here types to music, and what's their favourite song to type to.

I tend to enjoy stuff from Linken Park the most for when I'm typing. Most of their songs fit around about my typing pace.
I listen to classic rock. It's just on in the background because I love music. It doesn't bother me at all. The commercials do (smile). But the music just makes me more comfortable.
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 9 years, 10 months ago

You should listen to speed metal then to achieve maximum speed, haha!

Personally, I have tried typing to music, but it takes a toll on my concentration that makes my accuracy drop, so I usually don't do it.

As for rhythm: My typing rhythm is absolutely chaotic. Easy words like 'there' fly out at lightning speeds, while with less frequently used and harder words like 'anonymity' you could actually hear individual key-presses. Trying to be in time with the beat of any music would either slow me down on the fast words or make me inaccurate with the harder ones.

Have you tried typing without music? It might speed you up.
By gregt - posted: 9 years, 10 months ago

For me the tempo of the music is not all that important. What matters for me is that it be instrumental only. Jazz, classical, new age, "epic", whatever... If it has lyrics sooner or later one of the lyrics manages to intrude on my concentration and suddenly my fingers are trying to type a mixture of the words on the screen and the lyrics to the song, which rarely bodes well for my accuracy score.
By vfdavis - posted: 9 years, 10 months ago

I do type with and without my music.

Without music my speed is pretty good still, maintaining around 70-80wpm. But with music turned on, I can generally maintain something around 80-90.

Whether there are lyrics or not, my accuracy is the same, though while I'm listening to music I'm more relaxed so I tend to be more accurate while listening to it.

I had actually typed for years before I ever even considered typing with music turned on. It was an amusing fact at the time that I could somehow keep up typing faster while I was listening to music.

It's funny that you mentioned speed metal. As I used to listen to a chiptune version of through the fire and flames. But that's a speed that hurts my hands if I keep it up even though I don't type that much faster than the speeds that I've already stated.
By user53406 - posted: 9 years, 8 months ago

I listen to movie soundtracks off you tube it helps keep me motivated and not so focused on the voice telling me I'm a slow typist and always will be, however fast tunes are bad for me because I am trying to keep up and invariably make heaps of mistakes!
By shieldagent - posted: 9 years, 7 months ago

I actually love typing with music! I think it makes me get more speed. My favorite songs I like to listen to are probably Carrie Underwood! She is AWESOME!!!!!
By bassplayerful - posted: 9 years, 6 months ago

I find it depends on how much you've typed already in the day. If you've been typing an essay, you seem to struggle more but if this is your first 'batch' typing session, you do a better job.
By this - posted: 9 years, 6 months ago

By the time I start typing, I am almost always sure what I am going to write (I plan everything out on paper first). As a result, I usually don't have any trouble typing to music. My preference is usually for jazz or bluegrass.
By derig - posted: 9 years, 3 months ago

I listen to classic rock. It's just on in the background because I love music. It doesn't bother me at all. The commercials do (smile). But the music just makes me more comfortable.
By toddhicks209 - posted: 9 years, 3 months ago

The thought of typing to a certain song never occurred to me but if I had one to choose, it would probably be "Breezing" by George Benson.
By bassplayerful - posted: 9 years, 3 months ago

I don't listen to music but a fast paced track would probably benefit me in increasing my typing speed as well.
By vfdavis - posted: 9 years, 3 months ago

I think it depends really. Too fast, and you could trip yourself up.
By toddhicks209 - posted: 9 years, 3 months ago

Music can improve your mood but it's not actually going to make you type faster. Your typing speed comes solely from you.