What do you do for a living?

By rhym3r - updated: 5 years, 12 months ago - 16 messages

What kind of work do you do? Do you like it? Is the money good?

I'm doing a process engineering internship that involves a lot of work I'm underqualified for. I like it alright, but there's not enough human interaction in the office, hence me creating this post. Money is better than minimum!
i work as software engineer at a shoes company
im in charge of one of the regional areas where the company has presence
part of my work is to do some mainteinance, do inventories after theres a big sale or big season
and also im in charge of buying all of the equipment like pcs, printers, scanners, and other terminals necesary for the work of my fellow workers at the stores.
however when its necesary i have to do some IT work like helping solve some tickets generated by failures on the system or just tickets generated by the mistake of my users.

all in all its an interesting job that keeps me entertained
By weesin - posted: 6 years ago

I'm an ER nurse and I absolutely love it! The money is fair, but in light of what I have to deal with on a daily basis, the pay could be much better (though premiums for working evening, night and weekend shifts help)
By user68304 - posted: 6 years ago

I'm an Uber/Lyft driver and hold a certification as an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse). The pay as a driver is fair. I love the hours and the interaction with passengers. I do have to return to the medical field so that that I don't lose my license.
By sammich - posted: 6 years ago

I'm in grad school for information science (think computer science and library science had a baby, is what I like to say to people) but I taught public high school for four years
By ayy-lma0 - posted: 6 years ago

I do resistance welding for a small aerospace company. I make an exhaust duct for Boeing 737s. Money is alright, this is my first job and it's not incredibly demanding physically or mentally so I can't really complain. Cap is kinda low but this is an entry-level job anyway.
By tristantrim - posted: 6 years ago

I'm in college doing a electronic technologist program. I like it, and I got a job during the summer through it doing industrial automation maintenance. It's really fun.
By rhym3r - posted: 6 years ago

That's good work you do weesin!! Thank you for your services to humankind. I can imagine you've seen some real shit! Hopefully those premiums make up for some of it. How long have you been doing this for?
By rhym3r - posted: 6 years ago

Cool! I considered doing some ride share driving myself but my car is too old :/ The flexibility and interaction with passengers is what appeals most to me as well! Do you drive because it was difficult finding a job as a nurse?
By rhym3r - posted: 6 years ago

Nice, good for you for pushing on to grad school!! What did you teach in high school, and what do you want to do with your future information science degree? Feel free to help me out with my code any time haha.
By rhym3r - posted: 6 years ago

That sounds super rad!! It sounds like you should be making more and "alright" money based on that first sentence lol. Do you see yourself sticking with the company?
By rhym3r - posted: 6 years ago

Electronic technologist?! I've never even heard of that! Based on your summer job you could definitely get hired by the company I work for as well! :P
By typegod - posted: 6 years ago

I am an electrical engineering student at Virginia Tech. Currently sitting in my advanced circuits class bored out of my mind. Cannot stop taking typing tests, it's addicting.
By weesin - posted: 6 years ago

Thanks very much rhym3r. I've been a nurse for 16 years now. I originally started off as a paediatric oncology nurse, but found that, as a mother, it was too difficult for me when I'd lose patients. I still occasionaly lose a child as an ER nurse, but being in an ER also affords me an opportunity to help save people, rather than seeing people dying all the time.
By sammich - posted: 6 years ago

Haha thanks! A lot of people were surprised about it because they just can't imagine going back to school haha

I used to teach high school English, so I like words and I happen to like typing so it was great together!

I gotta get my coding right and when I get the hang of it, I'll help you out!
By tamalesrancheros - posted: 6 years ago

i work as software engineer at a shoes company
im in charge of one of the regional areas where the company has presence
part of my work is to do some mainteinance, do inventories after theres a big sale or big season
and also im in charge of buying all of the equipment like pcs, printers, scanners, and other terminals necesary for the work of my fellow workers at the stores.
however when its necesary i have to do some IT work like helping solve some tickets generated by failures on the system or just tickets generated by the mistake of my users.

all in all its an interesting job that keeps me entertained
By garciag42069101 - posted: 6 years ago

Still in high school but when I get into college I want to be a doctor. I have always loved to work with people. And everybody calls me the social person because I love to talk. As you can see my name is Gabriella but Gabby for short. When you look gabby up it means that I love to talk. I have always been raised to help others. The one thing I hate the most is bulling I can't even stand it. I was bullied all elementary school and almost killed myself. I just love to help people in need. People are like "Why don't you just be a counselor" and I say because I prefer to help people in a different way. What is one thing you guys hated in school? (besides school)
By bitbat - posted: 5 years, 12 months ago

I am a miserable 4 foot teen, you can find me in Hamilton crying and browsing Quora. I currently work as a Paper Route flyer person along with my sister, and she pays me in food( like snacks from her lunch.) I am hoping to be good with RBLX Studio and maybe even someday become a developer on the platform as well as successful capitalist.

My sister actually has a job, working as a hostess.
Why does nobody view my Quora answers? ):