Why are people so immature?

By weesin - updated: 5 years, 4 months ago - 91 messages

When people post quotes that are filled with errors, these errors trip up other typists. I have noticed that some of the people who post stupid quotes with errors don't even use this site to practice their typing (they haven't even taken any typing tests) - they just come on this site to troll around, harass people and make idiots of themselves. I have left comments for people informing them of the errors in their quotes, expecting them to be mature individuals who would say "thank for pointing that out. I will fix it right away." Instead, I have been threated with violence, and even rape - just because I point out errors in someone's quote. I mean, how insecure and immature do you have to be to feel it appropriate to threaten to come to my house and "wreck" me just because I point out typos in your quote?

This question goes out to all the emotionally mature users of this site: If someone pointed out an error in your quote, would you not appreciate their taking the time to relay that information to you so that you could fix your error? Do you agree that it's inappropriate to threaten people with violence and to verbally assault them instead?
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By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I apologize for the confusion - I just noticed a typo in my forum submission: I have typed "threated" when I meant to type "threatened"
By nilsthebest - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

My hypothesis would be that, a lot of young kids who use internet may not be familiar with online etiquette yet, and thus could take remarks as attacks and simply act how they usually do IRL: immature. Some kids may not be supervised / watched by their parents, or aren't taught properly how to use the internet and have a hard time interacting with others. This isn't the case of every internet user younger than 9, of course, but what I mean by that is that nonetheless, some can't control themselves. Some overreact for absolutely no reason. Perhaps they just feel superior and threatened when one makes a polite remark? They're still young, and probably don't know how to use internet yet.
In this case, it's both the kid's (acting immature) and the parents' fault (for not supervising them).

Keep in mind that I could be wrong, but that's just my guess on it.
Updated 5 years, 6 months ago
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Damn good hypothesis. I believe, for the most part, that you are correct. Although, unfortunately, I came across one user who was 24 (or so they stated) who seemed to have the maturity level of a 9 year old.
By nilsthebest - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I'm 14 and I don't act like that lol. But ironically, on another website, I've seen an impressively mature and incredibly constructive 9 year old, now that'd be great if everyone was like that though.
By chronocasio - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I don't mind the errors and typos. If anything, they help with focus.
By endvisible - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Some people were saying you came on too strongly. While I wholeheartedly agree with you that the grammar and spelling on the site need to be fixed, I think we both know that people don't like being corrected (whether or not they're wrong).

I think there should be more people on the lookout for spelling and grammatical issues because when there's only one (you), people disregard your input. I agree though, it is immature. However, this is also the internet, where nobody is really who they seem and everyone's issuing death threats. Emotional maturity in the past few years has been almost too much to ask.

Hoping for some correction to these issues, and wishing you happy typing; cheers!
By endvisible - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

The only issue is that we go to this site to improve upon our speed and accuracy. If I wanted to improve my focus, I'd go to a site that provides me with random words or letters to type out. These quotes are often familiar, and we use them to improve our actual skills using our hands, not to be on the lookout for someone else's mistakes. In other words, I should be focusing on my own accuracy, not someone else's.

For example, I have had no issues typing this reply because I know that what I, myself, am going to say is grammatically correct. On the other hand, I shouldn't have my accuracy and top speed thrown off because someone felt it unnecessary to use an Oxford comma in their list or to capitalize the right words.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Very well said @endvisible. I couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes I wish I could ignore the spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes, but as an ex-English teacher, I just can't seem to let them slide. I do wish that more people would point out errors as well so that I'm not the only one receiving death threats lol

Thanks for your input and support. All the best
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I also completely agree with @endvisible's response to @chronocasio's comment about errors helping us focus more. I am here to improve my typing speed. I need to learn how to type words in the English language more efficiently - not learn not to type gibberish and errors that other people type - I'm not going to have to type errors in my work place or personal life....so I feel no need to be forced to practice them on this site.
By chronocasio - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I didn't mean to imply that errors help others focus more. For me, they are a reminder to slow down and pay attention.

I just wanted to share my viewpoint and offer a possible silver lining.
By ememegod - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Why don't people just copy+paste the quotes instead of typing them up by hand? It's easier and it won't cause any errors (if their source is reliable in those types of situations).
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

That's a good suggestion @ememegod, however, that wouldn't address the problem of people who make up their own quotes - in that situation, there's no source to copy/paste from as they're making the quote up themselves and, unfortunately, they lack the ability to form error-free sentences and paragraphs.
By endvisible - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I think it'd be great if we could verify quotes as grammatically correct and create a section of the site where only those quotes get in. We'd have to agree on a style though (as long as there are Oxford commas, I'm fine).
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Hilarious @endvisible! I appreciate your love of the Oxford comma. And I couldn't agree with you more. There should be a mechanism to separate quotes that are posted by users that are functionally illiterate and quotes submitted by users who can properly form sentences/paragraphs.
By chronocasio - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

I was thinking it would be really cool to have the ability to tag quotes. "Error-free" would be a good one.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

That's a great idea @chronocasio
By ariz.ahmed - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Wow, that is very true. Although I am a kid aswell, I have to say that some other kids, especially young ones tend to overusse their power and anonomity in the internet and that they just do not think that someone else could know more than them
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

The Intermagnetical theory of Einstein does not suggest that hypothesis. Numerically the answer is not people trolling nor being a cow. It is meowing.

Thank you,
The Cow Who Said Meow
Leader of The Cows
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Well listen. This is what I have to say. :). When people post quotes that are filled with errors, these errors trip up other typists. I have noticed that some of the people who post stupid quotes with errors don't even use this site to practice their typing (they haven't even taken any typing tests) - they just come on this site to troll around, harass people and make idiots of themselves. I have left comments for people informing them of the errors in their quotes, expecting them to be mature individuals who would say "thank for pointing that out. I will fix it right away." Instead, I have been threated with violence, and even rape - just because I point out errors in someone's quote. I mean, how insecure and immature do you have to be to feel it appropriate to threaten to come to my house and "wreck" me just because I point out typos in your quote?

This question goes out to all the emotionally mature users of this site: If someone pointed out an error in your quote, would you not appreciate their taking the time to relay that information to you so that you could fix your error? Do you agree that it's inappropriate to threaten people with violence and to verbally assault them instead?
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

Well said @ariz.ahmed. You seem to be a very mature kid. Thanks for your input
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 6 months ago

What was the point of posting those comments @iamacow? If you don't have anything intelligent or constructive to add, perhaps you should refrain from posting to the forum
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Stop disrespecting me. That is very rude. Do not disturb my brother The Chicken. He is one of us. NOW MEOW!

Thank you,
The Toad
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

once again @iamacow - I'm not sure what the purpose of your comments is. They add absolutely nothing to the conversation. And make others think that you're either really high, stupid or are a child. If you have something of value to add to this conversation, we'd love to hear what you have to say. But I'm sure we would all appreciate if you act like an idiot somewhere else
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Thanks @endvisible. I didn't realize that he was trolling....I thought he was just a moron. I seriously don't see why people troll - what, exactly, are they getting out of it? As always @endvisible, I appreciate your always taking the time to explain these things to me.

Why can't this site just be a place for normal, kind, intelligent people who are dedicated to improving their typing skills come to type and converse with other like-minded people? This is so frustrating sometimes
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

What are they getting out of it? Have you tried looking in a mirror? That's what they're getting out of it. People troll communities or individuals who are too full of themselves and uptight to ignore them. They get a nice reaction out of it. Simple solution: stop caring about things on the internet.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

@twofingertyper, I am insulted by your implication that I am full of myself or uptight. That is not the case. Instead, I am just absolutely dumbfounded by the idiocy displayed be a great number of users on this site. To me, this site should be about posting quotes that others, hopefully, find entertaining or thought provoking. This site is about learning to improve your typing speed. And forums should be a means of having intelligent, thoughtful conversations with like-minded people. I've been very lucky to find some super cool people on this site - the problem is all the morons that act like children. Maybe they should go find a children's site to play on and leave us adults to have our adult conversations.
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

This is the internet, friend. You're too idealistic.
By nilsthebest - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I can't agree more with this. Sadly, this is how the internet works - and there's not much we can do about it. People are taking their "I can do whatever I want on the internet" ability too far.
I guess the best solution we can do is simply flag those posts and ignore them, because as you can see, we're no longer talking about the original post / conversation and are focusing on that one troller. There's a chance that they will continue: look at all of the attention we gave them! We should just from now on ignore them without replying or mentioning them. It's frustrating, I know, but "this is the internet", as everyone would say...
By ariz.ahmed - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Thank you very much. I am 12 though and I have experienced (through my friends) the wierdness of some people on the internet. I have to say, the reason I use my name on my username is so I can be sure that if I do something bad, I can be caught up on it. I feel that people now a days (even adults) sometimes act as if they have more power than they have. I feel like this is true throughout all ages and is like an epidemic of power.
I am sincerely sorry for any gramatical and spelling errors.
By endvisible - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

It's no problem. The internet can be a frustrating and often hostile place. I could spend hours discussing the psychology of internet users, but to chalk it up into a short-ish thesis:

People on the internet often use aliases to hide their identity (or better represent themselves, like a bumper sticker), and this anonymity can often provide them the means to be more rude or unsightly than they would usually act, all without consequences.

People troll to either get attention or enjoy a laugh at the expense of others, and most people don't know better than to respond to them. Trolling could range from simply misspelling a simple word on purpose (especially after being corrected), insulting others, forming a "word salad" that has no meaning, taking things out of context, to outright being offensive for the purpose of stirring up chaos. Again, this is most often for the purpose of laughing at other people's "raging." I recommend looking up "U MAD BRO?" on google images: this is the original phrase back in the earlier 2000's for trolling.

People also use trolling as a means of coping, similar to a drug. When they feel their negative thoughts or actions that they keep bottled up have run over, they act like a douche on the internet to get rid of the stress. This also leads to people ranting and causing fights online, but trolling is surprisingly the most peaceful approach (unless the ranting individual is not heard).

I mean, I used to be one of these people, so it's common knowledge to all of us "trolls," but I've had a lot of time to mature. Now, I only use my username as an alias when I make music, rather than annoying others online.

I think it'd be wise for any who haven't to read the "rules of the internet." It'll help you understand why people send death threats, take things out of context, make everything about sex, lie, cheat, and do a lot of other common behaviors here. It's actually rather nice on this site, where the point isn't to make forum posts, but you would be surprised how insane things can get. The rules of the internet have no specific location, just Google them.

Again, no problem for the advice and information; it's kind of a courtesy towards newcomers that I've adopted!

CORRECTION: There is a website called rulesoftheinternet.…, where the strange internet rules are listed. Most of them still stand true today.

Rule 20 of the internet: Take nothing seriously.
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

@weesin I apologize for the comments. My little brother likes to take my iPad and push buttons on it and he has a history of trolling. I am very sorry about this and I hope you accept my sincere apology. Thank you.
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Thanks so much for your post @endvisible. I have to admit that I often let these internet trolls under my skin. I guess that's a failing on my part that I will have to work on. Next on my list of things to do - check out the website you provided about internet rules. Thanks! I hope you're having a great day
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

apology accepted @iamacow. However, I would strongly urge you and your parents to keep an eye on what your brother is doing online. Who knows what inappropriate things he might be getting into...
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Yeah @weesin. Thanks for the advice. He just gets on my iPad while I’m not in the house. Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

no problem....glad to help. I'm a bit of a luddite so I'm not sure whether or not this is possible - but have you considered locking your iPad somehow? With fingerprints or with a PIN? I'm just thinking that if you can lock a mobile phone, you should be able to lock an iPad (though I could be wrong)
By endvisible - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

You are able to lock an Apple device with a pin, fingerprint, etc. It depends, however, on whether you're allowed to. When I was young, my dad forbid me to do so. However, @iamacow can log out of websites when their sibling has potential to access the device. Either that, or they can leave their browser in a Private tab to prevent their credentials from being auto-filled.
By ariz.ahmed - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Hey look, I have an idea,
Why don't you go ahead and you can use a password manager, which you only know the password to. This way you can lock out your brother, but you can autofill your own passwords. This is something that I have been using, and I have found my brother trolling me less. You can also frequently change the password to your accounts or if you want, make a dummy account for your brother so that we know who it is. I feel like you can also show him the damage that internet trolling can do, and you can sit him down and discuss them to him. This is your best bet as he will know then what is right and what is wrong. Me being a child, I knoww that if you can get to him, he will listen and will know the damage or annoyance that he would be causing and you can rest easy when you are not home that he will not be trolling about in your accounts. Just so you know, you can also monitor iPads and what people are accessing. Another option is you can block out the websites that he has been trolling in and only allow them using a special password or pin (your choice) I know this as my parents did this in our family iPad. This is a good option and you should change the pin frequently.
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

@weesin I’ve locked my iPad before and he got mad at me and started fighting me so, I’d rather not lock my iPad so he won’t come fight me. I’ll just try to hide my iPad and when he asks me where it is I’ll just say I don’t know. Thanks @weesin
By galaxyfrog2001 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Hello people of this chat
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

And if anyone is trolling under the name “iamacow” it’s my brother.
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

@galaxyfrog is my brother’s friend from school. He likes to troll with him. Sorry about this!
By galaxyfrog2001 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I am a potato from Idaho and I am salty
By galaxyfrog2001 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

That sucks for you
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Go cry somewhere else.
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

He heee think u can hide ur ipaddddd Jim? Hahahahhahahaha i’ve Found ittt. Time to troll. I’m a salty avacodo from ur mom
By maxlucetyping - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I have an issue as well:

Basically I think when people post quotes that are filled with errors, these errors trip up other typists. I have noticed that some of the people who post stupid quotes with errors don't even use this site to practice their typing (they haven't even taken any typing tests) - they just come on this site to troll around, harass people and make idiots of themselves. I have left comments for people informing them of the errors in their quotes, expecting them to be mature individuals who would say "thank for pointing that out. I will fix it right away." Instead, I have been threated with violence, and even rape - just because I point out errors in someone's quote. I mean, how insecure and immature do you have to be to feel it appropriate to threaten to come to my house and "wreck" me just because I point out typos in your quote?

This question goes out to all the emotionally mature users of this site: If someone pointed out an error in your quote, would you not appreciate their taking the time to relay that information to you so that you could fix your error? Do you agree that it's inappropriate to threaten people with violence and to verbally assault them instead?
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

You just copied and pasted lol
By kevint - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I think that the Internet was never supposed to be civilized.

When I was in college, I used to type papers, class notes, and things like that for freshmen in the dorms. I changed $5 per page double-spaced and I could type about 10 pages an hour. Many times people would just come over and tell me what they wanted to say and I would type it up verbatim, and sometimes those sentences would be some crazy thoughts. A big part of it was typing the paper exactly as it was written or dictated. If they wanted it to be edited, it costed $10 per page since it took twice the time to edit it than it did to just type it. So I guess the skill that you are improving is typing, which not all things I can assure you are written or dictated perfectly.
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By user241035 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Ok that's fine with me i don't care
By user241035 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Ok i will keep that in mind ok.
By boi - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I'm a little late, whoops. Here's my input:
That's insane that people are doing this considering it's a typing website. Personally, I've only seen a couple errors myself, and when I grammatically corrected them, the authors of the quotes were very kind and were willing to change their mistakes. But threaten with violence and rape? That's a little far considering you corrected their grammar.
I definitely agree with the hypothesis that it could be children trying to act important, and I also certainly agree with the fact that their parents seriously need to watch their children's activity online as well. @iamacow's activity along with galaxy frog's were also perfect examples of what trolls are- children wanting to get attention from others by being immature. I'm 12 myself, but I find it extremely immature that people are doing this. It could even be adults, possibly- but either way it's people that don't have anything better to do with their time that don't deserve your attention. Don't take anything from them personally.
I guess that's why TypeRacer has introduced the ability to rate quotes and report them, as well. That's all we can do for now, but I agree with most everything on this forum post. It's really nice to see some people on here acting mature.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Wow @boi. I'm shocked that you're 12 years old - you possess an air of maturity that is beyond your years. And I'm quite impressed by your writing style. As an ex-teacher, I have to say that you are writing well beyond your grade leavel. Your teachers and parents must be very proud of you
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Ur face fat lol
By iamacow - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Jim can’t hide his iPad lol
By user241035 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I don't know but i'm sure you still good.
By user241035 - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

Lol i know he can't because he probaly don't know where to hide it.
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

weesin has been polluting this forum with her personal insecurities. Sad, just stop.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

It's the childish morons on this site that have polluted it with their immaturity, threats, ignorance, illiteracy and profanity.
By boi - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I actually just laughed at this message. Interesting that you say this.
After looking at your account and messages (call me a stalker, but your profile is public!) I'd say it's a little odd that you're commenting this.
My favorite message is from @speciality quoting:
"you are laughing at someone for a better than average recent typing speed hah. how rude. what if someone like me with my average races laughed at your small 80wpm hahaha"
Not only does this prove you're laughing at others for a supposedly better than average typing speed, but you're immature yourself. I find it insensible that you believe @weesin is "polluting" this forum by calling other users immature when I, personally, think you're immature yourself.
I also found your other message (the only other one) pretty interesting as well. I see you've have some past with @weesin, huh?
Said by @rhym3r: "Thank you for posting that hilarious reply to weesin on the forum. You made an admirable attempt. They probably need a hug irl"
So you've insulted @weesin before? That message was sent 7 months ago, after all. At my perspective, this message further proves your immaturity. It might not be my place to judge, but I just find it a bit interesting.
Odd that it seems you're acting as the mature one here, when you're really not.
NOTE: I do not want to take sides!
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I appreciate your piping in with a mature response @boi. This site needs more users like you
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

That's right. We need more mindless sycophants for weesin.

Are you sure this isn't just your alt?
By boi - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I just realized how much it seemed I took sides. But I'll make this clear- I absolutely do not know @weesin personally. And I'm certainly not @weesin at all, either. But most of all... I do NOT want to take sides!
A few hours after posting (more like roasting) I decided I'd do some research, because after reading my post (roast) I realized how much it seemed like I took sides. I guess you could even say I did take sides, but I don't want to be viewed as a partisan of @weesin AT ALL. I want nothing to do with that.
Anyways, seems like @weesin has done a whole lot of skipping around on KeyHero's forums. I have to say I've seen the phrase "As an ex-teacher" too many times to count by now... and according to a ton of users (including you!) @weesin has done a lot of other "self-important" forum posts (totally going by @twofingertyper's words). I didn't know this man. No offense on @weesin at all but I would seriously like to make it clear that I am absolutely NOT taking sides with @weesin. It kind of sounds like I'm taking sides again with @weesin's opposing side but I'm not on that either. I'm just kind of there, you know?
And as for "mindless sychophants..." shots taken. I am still in middle school so call me mindless and you won't be too far off (but seriously, have you seen the other kids my age? now that is what you call mindless). Sychophants? Not going to lie, I had to google the definition. I can't even drive without dying yet so I wouldn't call myself a sychophant.
Sorry for the confusion. Just wanted to clear that up.

Edit from future: Wow, seems like @weesin's quite popular... I guess I am still really new to KeyHero.
Updated 5 years, 5 months ago
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

All good. It's just that a lot of people make posts like yours that feed weesin's ego on this thread in particular, and given that your post seemed similar to theirs, I grouped you in with them. I apologize for being hasty in my assumptions.

Trust me, the more you see weesin's posts, the more you will grow to dislike them. At first, I honestly believed weesin's rhetoric--that she was some sort of "victim" of these immature trolls. Now that I have seen more of weesin's posts, I see right through this nonsense.
By roxiun - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

In this digital age people can't be bothered to use all of those. Generally people now on the internet use alot of abbreviations and stuff. Instead of typing can't people type cant ect. Instead of by the way we just use btw.
By infantry_captai - posted: 5 years, 5 months ago

I come back to this forum just to hunt down the most recent ramblings of weesin. She's got to be a least 350 lbs.
By jacksonm - posted: 5 years, 4 months ago

Just found this topic, and now that I've read your point, I think I might start up with doing the same thing!
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 4 months ago

I can certainly understand your wanting to as the errors and stupidity are super annoying. Just know that people will be rude and may even threaten you. I hope that you're better at ignoring these people than I am
By twofingertyper - posted: 5 years, 4 months ago

What's the point? It's always the same asinine nonsense. If you've seen 2 or 3 of her posts, you've seen all of them. It's like she has a dartboard with a collection of phrases such as "former English teacher" and "threats of violence and rape" and she just throws darts at it until she ends up with what she deems a satisfactory message. Combine extreme self-righteousness with a victim complex and you have everybody's favorite keyhero poster.
By weesin - posted: 5 years, 4 months ago

You're absolutely right @twofingertyper. However, if the behaviors exhibited by the users of this site changed and were not so predictable, perhaps I'd have more reason to come up with different posts. As it is, I could pretty much just have a list of a few comments and keep copying/pasting them onto the site. When the stupidity and senselessness changes, I'm sure my comments will.
By ezprezo - posted: 5 years, 4 months ago

Weesin is my girlfriend and I wish people would leave her alone!
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