Your quote checker won't let me post something by G.K. Chesterton because of bad punctuation

By vmlm - updated: 11 years, 4 months ago - 5 messages

Hey, I can't post it, and I really don't see why.

"An artist is identical with an anarchist," he cried. "You might transpose the words anywhere. An anarchist is an artist. The man who throws a bomb is an artist, because he prefers a great moment to everything. He sees how much more valuable is one burst of blazing light, one peal of perfect thunder, than the mere common bodies of a few shapeless policemen. An artist disregards all governments, abolishes all conventions. The poet delights in disorder only."
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Well personally I don't understand the quote. I don't believe that it tells the truth because art is something that isn't just "one peal of perfect thunder," it is art. Art takes time and effort to make, and often the greatest works of art take several days and the work is done by many hands. The quote has a nice ring to it but I'm kind of glad that it isn't up because it isn't the least bit true.
By vmlm - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

I do believe there is some truth to it. The artist inevitably confronts convention. And yes, a work of art can take a long period of time to prepare, but all the hard work put into it is validated at the moment of showing.
A theatre troupe works tirelessly for weeks or months before their first stage appearance, but they do it precisely because that single moment on stage is critical. This, I think, is what is meant by the saying that an artist prefers a great moment to everything. Not that art is created in a moment, but that art works towards that final moment of unveiling, of presentation. All those hours of practice are not as important to the actor as that final moment when all that practice is put to use.

Your point is well taken however, and I think maybe you'd enjoy the book, since the counter argument to this passage is also very compelling.

That being said, the problem with the quote isn't that it was ill reviewed, it's that the posting system won't let me add it because of "bad punctuation". Your views and mine aside, I thought this might be a bug, or evidence that their validation system is too strict, which might discourage some people from posting. So I posted this note here in the hopes that a dev might see my post and decide if something should be done about it.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Well I never meant to say that the reason that your quote didn't go through was because it was illogical. That would be silly, because if this was the case then lots of quotes that make it through wouldn't. I see what you mean, but I personally don't like generalizations like this one which groups in a number of people for what some of the group have been accused of. However, I'm certain that the reason that the quote is that way is because "Most artists are identical some anarchists," he cried. "etc.." doesn't sound as good. However, I would like to say that there are many people who make art just to make art. I remember one day I was at a saxophone lesson and he asked me why I wanted to play the saxophone. It was all a part of a "speech" to get me to learn my scales because although I had been learning I had been doing so at a sluggish pace. He said, "Do you want to play in front of a stadium full of people? Do you want to play rock or mainstream music? Do you want to be a weekend warrior, playing at bars and restaurants?" I was sort of dumbfounded by the question because I hardly ever played music in front of other people. I was always a bit sloppy because I would get nervous and when I started playing music my intentions were to simply make something beautiful. Not all artists feel a need to showcase their work, and I am your exhibit A. I do play for other people but it is not and it was never my main intention.
By afbwelter - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

Also, you didn't post an author or a title along with the quote. Where is it from?
By vmlm - posted: 11 years, 4 months ago

The quote is from a book called The Man Who Was Thursday, by G.K. Chesterton.

It's pretty good.

I see what you mean, and yes it is a generalizing statement. You're right that not all artists are the same, and it's pretty cool that you play the saxophone :).