abbcdde ZEE$H@N


Rank 79090 / 331597
Number of games 0
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The speed is expressed in WPM (Words Per Minute).
The accuracy indicates how precise you are during the typing test. 100% means 0 errors.


abbcdde 13 years ago
Thanks buddy for your reply...i never thought people type so fast :P I will try n increase my speed as much as possible :D heehee anyways thankz again :)
tofujoy 13 years ago
there is no way to tell if they are hackers or not, but many people have wpms over 120 as their professions are to work typing what people say at court. btw 60 is just average typing speed.
abbcdde 13 years ago
I heard that going 60 wpm is awesome but these guyz go insane with above 120 wpm do they really reach that much speed or just some hackerz please do reply me if you checkin out ma profile....thankz waitin for your reply :D
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Last login 12 years, 9 months ago
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Keyboard mapping QWERTY
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